Music & Lyrics by: Gerard Presgurvic
English lyrics by: Don Black
Based on
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare

The Vienna lyrics added!

This is essentially the Romeo & Juliet story that we're all familiar with, but there have been a few changes made. Read through the synopsis to find out more. You can also read it in French.

If you'd still like to know more, take a look through the lyrics, or take a look at this English translation. You can also take a look at the London lyrics - definitely not my favourite - or the German lyrics from the Vienna production!

Romeo and Juliet is definitely one of Shakespeare's best-known plays, an integral part of our culture. It has been peformed countless times, and has been turned into ballet and films, as well as set to music. Read more about the play that started it all.

So how did this particular adaptation of the play come into being? Read more about the development of the show.

I've got a couple of recordings of this show so far, but I can see myself buying many more as soon as they come out! Read my reviews of the CDs or listen to some sound clips from the various recordings.

There is also a DVD available of a performance of the show at the Palais de Congres in Paris - read my review of the video.

It took me a long time to see this show! It was in Ottawa, but I happened to be on the other side of the country at the time. I'm not very disappointed about missing the London production after reading the reviews, but I hope they do a better translation at some point. But I did finally end up seeing it, in Russia of all places! Read more about that experience.

If you want a Rom�o & Juliette backdrop for your computer, check out some of these beautiful wallpapers, created by StageRose, or use one of her cool icons for your journal or IM!

Find out about a few of my favourite performers that have been in this show.

Once you're done looking around here, check out some of the other fantastic Rom�o & Juliette sites that are out there.

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