Thank you for visiting Stacy's Musical Village. I would love it if you would Add your thoughts to the guestbook!
This is an amazing site! I have been looking at it for about eight months and I have never seen this guestbook link! I have only seen 4 :( shows on broadway (all in one week!) but i have seen many professional productions and a few national tours. Awesome site!
Favourite show: Wicked
Favourite performer: Kristen Chenoweth
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING!
USA - Saturday, August 25, 2007 at 15:05:37
I love this site. When I am thinking about buying a CD, a come here and check out what Stacy thinks, she is usually right when it comes down to it. Thanks Stacy!
Favourite show: Evita
Favourite performer: Maria Friedman
What you like best about this site: The Reviews
Adam Cook
USA - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 04:50:05
I love this site! You have so much information and I look at your site whenever I decide to buy a CD of a musical. Thank you!!!
Favourite show: Phantom, Wicked, Les Mis, Rent, Chicago...
Favourite performer: Kristen Chenoweth, Michael Crawford....
Canada - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 03:31:08
Thank you so much for creating this site. Not only does it give great info about the musicals I LOVE but it offers a "to see" list as well. I eat, sleep, live, and breath Musicals and your site has done an excellent job of bringing them all together for my perusal. Thanks again! A+++
Favourite show: Wicked as of this moment
Favourite performer: Sarah Brightman/Micheal Crawford
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING!
Carolyn E. Gardner
USA - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 22:35:14
I always love to visit this site! It is awesome! Please go on!
Favourite show: Elisabeth, de drie Musketiers
Favourite performer: Pia Douwes
What you like best about this site: Elisabeth videos
Germany - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 01:06:45
This website has been a help in various projects I've had related to musical theatre. You seem to be very thorough, and it's greatly appreciated. Keep up the excellent work.
Favourite show: Wicked
Favourite performer: Shoshana Bean
What you like best about this site: It's so informative
USA - Monday, September 5, 2005 at 10:44:40
Hi Stacy! Don't work too hard...anyway I just wanted to say that I REALLY enjoy your musical site nowadays I'm still guest though LOL. Please concern about your health and Keep up the good work! -Jo-
Favourite show: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: I can't choose
What you like best about this site: Everything especially message board
South Korea - Friday, September 2, 2005 at 10:56:11
Hallo! What a super fanpage! Good job!
(You better hurry up, go see Tanz der Vampire in Hamburg, Germany! It will close in January 2006 ...)
All the best from Morten!

Favourite show: Elisabeth, Tanz der Vampire
Favourite performer: Fredeick Wickerts, Pia Douwes
What you like best about this site: The sound- and movieclips + all the info
Morten Daugaard Olsen
Denmark - Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 21:26:39
I think you must put a space in each shows of photos, I think is the only that this page miss, generaly I like it, it is one of my favorite one sites. I'm building also a page when I finish it I'll send it to you but it is in spanish is also tribute to my favorite shows.
Favourite show: Les Miserables & Rent
Favourite performer: Lea Salonga
What you like best about this site: The Libretto's
Karla Edwina
M�xico - Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 00:52:59
Stacy, I found this site while I was in pre-production for Seussical, which I was directing for a local community theatre. Armed with the cast recording, an early script, my imagination and the internet, I began to research the show. Your comments were a great help. The "Book' is woefully inadequate to prepare directors for the show, and most importantly, there is no mention of the fact that the piano/conductor's score contains 425 pages of music. Much too late I realized that the real "stage directions" are contained within that Piano/Conductor score. There are few images on the internet, and so I was woefully unprepared for what I faced when casting and directing the show. I did have, to my advantage, the slightly-less-good set that is used for the professional tours (the best set hit the road unexpectedly and we made-do with what we had.) At the last moment, the Broadway costumes (complete with sewn-in actor names!) came off of the road. We utilized what we could. I'm writing to say that I would be willing to share images/ideas and notes with any director of the show at whatever level, as there is so little guidance.
Favourite show: Oliver!
Favourite performer: Bernadette Peters
What you like best about this site: Your links to show information, great job!
Steve Coley
USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 05:52:53
Thanks so much for this site coz I can find lots of crazy musical-obssessed peeps like me! I LOVE PHANTOM! P.S Hey there Ceri!
Favourite show: Phantom
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford
What you like best about this site: Love all the info about West End and broadway
Erik Rocks
Sunday, July 17, 2005 at 02:26:30
I love your Phantom page, its great! I don't have a fav. performer, as I haven't seen it yet on stage. I've seen the movie, and I have 2 shirts, a water globe (plays Music of the Night), a mask I made in art class, and both the movie, and original cast soundtrack. I just.. love it! The music, the story, the Phantom <3 its great!
Favourite show: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow
What you like best about this site: Your Phantom page
[email protected] Kate B.
USA - Saturday, July 16, 2005 at 09:13:23
I love your site. I already signed, but I discover more things about your site. AS time goes on. I envy you so much being able to see all these musicals that I can only dream to see and even perform. Norbert Leo Butz is so cool and cute. I first saw and heard him in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels during the Tony awards. He has such a great voice, I love it. Now thanks to you, I found out that he was in the original cast of Wicked. And even in there his voice is so good. Especially the songs 'As long as you're mine' and 'Dancing through life.' Please keep up the really good work. Thank you again for the best website ever. JA Ne
Favourite show: Elisabeth, Wicked, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, etc.
Favourite performer: Norbert Leo Butz
What you like best about this site: All the information about different musicals.
[email protected] Mel
USA - Saturday, July 16, 2005 at 05:40:52
Hello! I am a huge fan of musicals, esp. Les Miserables, and I have to say that this site is one of the most informative, well-made musical sites I have ever visited! :D I really agree with you about Anthony Warlow.. he is the greatest male singer ever! I first heard him as Enjolras in Les Mis CSR and fell in love with his voice. I wish I could see one of his shows! I also enjoyed many of the features, like sound clips and librettos. This is a great site!
Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING!!
[email protected] Maki
Japan - Friday, July 15, 2005 at 18:41:24
Great site! I recommend We Will Rock You, I've seen it twice in London! Keep up the good work! //Stine
Favourite show: The Sound of Music, Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Peter Jorde, Charlotte Guldberg, Kristian Boland
What you like best about this site: Everything
Denmark - Friday, July 8, 2005 at 21:30:55
Hi Stacy! Your web page is really amazing! Congratulations! Especially it is great that it is a page about musicals for people all over the world, because you are not restricted to Canada.
Favourite show: Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Pia Douwes
What you like best about this site: all !
[email protected] Adina
Germany - Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 05:09:17
I love this site! I'm very amused by your writings about your personal experiences with musical shows and reviews on recordings. I can actually feel your passion for theatre and I also enjoy the information you provide. Everything on this site rocks!!!
Favourite show: Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Cookin
Favourite performer: So hyun Kim, Hugh Panaro, Scott Radburn
[email protected] Sheri Kim
South Korea (live in the U.S.) - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 01:07:14
I just wanted to say that you have a great site! One of the largest I've ever seen, congrats! If you need any help (specifically about Wicked!) than I would love to help. I have over 500 icons for the show, and I know ALL! Lol! Anyways, I enjoyed this site, and I will come here often. Thanks for all the information!
Favourite show: Wicked
Favourite performer: Can't Decide...
What you like best about this site: Its diverse amount of information and selection.
Canada - Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 00:19:16
Hey! I'm here in America, looking up random Broadway shows, like I love to do. That's my hobby. Well, I would like to get more informaion on Elisabeth, and watch some of the clips you have. But, if you could can you find a way to help me. I would like to watch the making of Elisabeth and also watch the TV commercial of it too. They say they're corrupted when I watch the first 5 minutes of it. Well, I love your site. You give so much information on all the different Broadway shows. Plus, I envy you. You have seen so many shows, that I want to see soo badly. I especially would love to see Elisabeth. It looks and sounds so cool. I just found the musical on a German site with the music and I listen to it and the music was so good, I loved it. Then I found your site and you gave the coolest information. I've seen Phantom of the Opera and CAts musical but, that's it. Well, if you can help about the Elisabeth video part of the site, I would really love it. Well, thank you for a cool website, I love coming here to look at all different musicals. Well, thanks again. Bye. Ja NE. ^-^
Favourite show: Elisabeth
What you like best about this site: Love the Elisabeth information.
[email protected] Mel
USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 05:08:06
Hey Stacy! Wow, you're doing such a great job with this site. I love coming back to it everytime! Greetings from Austria! Love, Maria
Favourite show: JCS
Favourite performer: Drew -the voice- Sarich (5 octaves!!! WOW!!)
What you like best about this site: Everything!!! I love it!
[email protected] Maria
Austria - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 20:12:18
Hi,sorry my english is not very good.*g* I like your page very much. I often visit it. Well done!!! Greatings from Germany! See you!! Manuel
Favourite show: Elisabeth
What you like best about this site: sth. about all musicals!
[email protected]; Manuel
Germany - Monday, June 13, 2005 at 02:09:06
This site is very helpful and I just love your reviews of all the shows you've seen and the experiences! You've helped me make the right decision on what I should go see and what sounds best. Your Blood Brothers link made me become a fan and made me buy the soundtrack the following day! You rock! Thank you so much!
Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Tim Curry
What you like best about this site: The reviews
[email protected] Brady Dennis
USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 at 03:57:32
I came across this website while searching for resources for a show I'm doing, and while this didn't help me at all in that regard, I couldn't stop looking through for about an hour! It has so much information, both general facts and personal interpretations and comments, it's an incredible product you've come up with. I think it's just terrible that I'm now trying to curb my urge to buy tons of new CDs because you were so enthusiastic about the shows! :) I will definitely be back to see what you have to say about other shows in the future.
Favourite show: Little Shop of Horrors
Favourite performer: Jerry Orbach
ms.cellophane @ Kat Terry
USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 11:26:45
Hi, I just visited your site and it�s one of the best Musical- pages I�ve ever seen! But the videos of Elisabeth didn�t work :-(. Can you please load them up again?
Favourite show: Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Pia douwes, Uwe Kr�ger
What you like best about this site: All is very well
[email protected] Daniela
Germany - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 14:43:37
Hi.I am a Japanese high school student. Because I am not very good at English, I cannot express my thoughts well, but I am very happy to find this site. I love musicals! I belong to the Dance club,and I will dance many musical numbers in the School Festival (such as Hairspray,Sister Act). I would like to visit this site often.
Favourite show: Hairspray, Elisabeth
What you like best about this site: All
[email protected] Eri
Japan - Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 15:38:07
I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely adore your site! You've seen sooo many musicals, consider yourself very lucky! I also wanted to recommend Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (my favorite musical of the moment) to you! Especially with the phenomenal cast there is! It's an amazingly hilarious show, and I'd recommend it to anyone!
Favourite show: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Favourite performer: Norbert Leo Butz
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 05:27:38
I love this site! I visit it every day to see if Stacy made any updates or saw anything new! It is a great way to learn about a musical before spending a ton of money on tickets!
Favourite show: Rent, Jesus Christ Superstar, Mamma Mia, Phantom of the Opera
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 22:01:23
Cool site, I like it a lot!
Favourite show: Phantom of the Opera
What you like best about this site: LYRICS! Finally!
[email protected] Christine
USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 17:51:21
Hey Stacy, it was great to find the site of such a great fan like you... Hugs from Switzerland
Favourite show: Notre Dame
Favourite performer: Michael Ball
What you like best about this site: All
[email protected] Renato
Switzerland - Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 18:25:02
I am sooooo glad I found this website! It is fantastic!!!!!!
Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson/Michael Crawford/Michael Ball etc
What you like best about this site: The Les Mis & Phantom sites
[email protected] Ceri Boyd
Scotland - Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 03:34:57
You have been blessed to see as many professional theatre performences. In California, the professional things I see are national tours (Wicked is coming!). Meep.
Love the site. I enjoyed reading about your experiences, because then it makes me want to be jelous! I love love love Assassins and Les Miserables, and really wanted to see Assassins. You are very lucky. Consider yourself VERY lucky. (If anyone gets to see Michael Ball, it's a blessing in itself.) Hope you enjoy your "amazing journey" through theatre. It's fun, isn't it?

Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Michael Cerveris
What you like best about this site: Just about everything!
[email protected]   Carole Ann
USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 21:17:09
I absolutely adore this site. Its been on my favourites list for months and I just realised I never left a message on the guestbook. So here it's amazing!! I'm totally Musical obssessed, and this is perfect for me!
Love heather

Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Lea Salonga
What you like best about this site: Everything! Lyrics especially
Scotland - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 20:42:42
I love this site. It's got some great info and it comes in useful because I always need to tell my friends what certain musicals are about!
Tonia x

Favourite show: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Philip Quast
What you like best about this site: Everything!
[email protected] Tonia
England - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 19:56:21
Well... There are so many things to say. I am in love with your site! It's so nice that someone has devoted a good portion of their lives to seeing musicals and plays. Keep doing what you do!
Favourite show: Rent
Favourite performer: Matt Caplan
What you like best about this site: Must I pick just one thing?
[email protected] Kristen
USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 09:23:34
Wow! That's all I can say. This website is amazing, it's like God's gift to the musical theater world. I stumbled across it looking for lyrics for the next ten minutes and it's amazing, it's all I've been doing spring break. Thanks SO much it's *perfectly marvelous*
Favourite show: Rent
Favourite performer: Kristen Chenoweth
What you like best about this site: The lyrics pages
[email protected] Jasmine
USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 20:23:22
Greetings from Hong Kong! I started to love the European musicals very much after I have seen musical Elisabeth in Vienna, thanks for all those detailed info and comment about Elisabeth/Mozart/3 Musketiers/Tanz der Vampire!!! You made me a smart cd collector ;)
Favourite show: Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Pia Douwes
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING
Vivian Ko
Hong Kong - Friday, March 25, 2005 at 09:09:08
Favourite show: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Patrick Wilson
What you like best about this site: How informative it was!
Victoria <[email protected] >
USA - Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 06:45:57
I like your page very much. I think, I will buy this Piano-LesMiz book. I never heard of it before...
Tim Teichmann
Germany - Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 17:08:01
I love your site Stacy! I am currently playing JoJo in Seussical The Musical, at Midlakes which is located in New York. I recently wen't to Ithica College, NY to see it and it was wonderful. I hope I someday get to go to NYC and see a musical. But this site shows me it instead! (lol) Well keep up the good work!
David <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 20:38:02
Hey, I love your site! I read your page and review on RENT, before I saw the show, and was really glad I did cause it prepared me for some things I would probably not have totally understood otherwise (like the table being the door they knock down...i'm a bit slow). I also agree with all your reviews of those songs (though, you didn't like "take me or leave me"? I thought it was amazing!). Anyways, you commented you wanted to see the NY cast of RENT, and I would say now is the time, 'cause it has and excellent cast (though, I must say the girl I saw as Mimi, Krystal L. Washington, was trying to hard and almost blew my ear drums out), ESPECIALLY Kelly Karbacz as Maureen and Mark R. Ford as Colllins! Also, I must comment on your Phantom movie review, I had never seen the play b4 when I saw it (and I saw it with a girl who lives and breathes the play) and I thought it was ok, actually. I agree that Gerard wasn't too strong, though for never having had a singing lesson in his life, he was alright (though that led me to the question, WHY would they hire someone who can't sing very well for the title character?!), and Christine was very good! She was 18, and that amazed me! And I thought Minnie Driver was hilarious, even if there are better on stage, I think you have to give her some credit. Anyways, sorry for the long letter! Love your site!
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 22:02:23
Hello Stacy, this is such a great site, it's such a fun to look around here. Thanks for changing and adding the links on Patrick and Aida on your site. By the way, currently I am in North America as well: Dallas, Tx. Yesterday I went to see here Oklahoma in the local theater. It was great. Best regards Oliver
Oliver Michael <oliver at patrickstankefc dot de>
Germany - Sunday, January 9, 2005 at 10:12:37
I stumbled upon this site while looking for lyrics to "Jekyll and Hyde." I thought "Interesting, I'll check this out." I'm SO glad I did. I absolutely adore this site now, and it's made me want to buy several CDs, which may or may not be a good thing, considering I'm on a high school budget..... What I wanted to comment on was your review of the movie, which I agree with 110%! My dad first suggested us going to see it about two weeks before it came out, since he knew I adore the book. I was, at best, skeptical. The previews had me thinking "Well, that's not good," but the paper's reviews didn't worry me too much. I tend to ignore reviews, since I sometimes end up liking the movie anyway. For this movie, I had braced myself with the inevitable truth: This was going to be nothing like the book, and I was simply going to have to deal with that. I was, however, expecting the Phantom to have a little better voice, and be a little less sexy. It also rather perturbed me that, according to Christine, he'd been stalking her since she was seven. Well, more than that perturbed me, but I already have a rant list on another site I particiapte in, and this isn't where I want to rant. In the end, I had to drag my parents to see it (I wanted to see it just for the sake of having seen something) They ended up loving it and I ended up twitching throught, thinking "Sing that part, curse you!" or "Okay, that never would have happened." I saw it again today when my friend dragged me to see it, and she did end up gasping in fear at Erik's deformity (of course, it's not hard to upset Charlene, who's afraid of toilets, and cried throught the whole second half of the film), whilst I was always of the opinion that it looked more like a sunburn gone wrong that a death's head. But I'm rambling. To recap: I love this site, and I thank you soooo much for creating it! Best wishes!
Emily <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 at 20:17:15
Hello! I just want to congratulate to your site- I'm loving it, and this page is very useful. My favourite musical is Jekyll&Hyde, and Der Tanz der Vampire. You wrote good critics about Hungarian Jekyll- I hope you'll be able to see it yourself. It's wonderful! Have a nice day and thanks for this great page: Eltanyn
Eltanyn <[email protected]>
Hungary - Friday, January 7, 2005 at 18:45:38
Hey, wonderful website, really! But I have a question ... I was seaching under "Elisabeth - the musical", but the videos under "Sound and Videos" did not work, any of them. Is that the point? Anyway, keep up the good work! Greetings from Morten.
Morten Daugaard Olsen <[email protected]>
Denmark - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 07:38:30
I am sorry - I had not been everywhere on this site... You have something about The Sound of Music... GREAT!
Stine Greve <[email protected]>
Denmark - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 12:17:24
It is a great site! I really love musicals! Unfortunately I have not seen so many:-( But in June 2004, I saw "We will rock you" at The Dominion Theatre in London. And it was great and an unforgettable experience for me! Now I enjoy the cd from the musical! In the moment I am looking forward to see Beauty and the Beast in February 2005 in Copenhagen, Denmark - Until now I have only seen the movie... It is great to read about all these great musicals - But I miss something about my favourite musical: The Sound of Music... Sorry, I am not so good at English
Stine Greve <[email protected]>
Denmark - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 11:58:28
I love this site! Whenever I have a question about anything musical theatre wise, I can almost always find it here. Kudos for such a great... (hmm... can't find right word.) ...thing! Anywho, keep up the good work for all us musical theatre geeks out here! Cheers! ~Matt Kirby
Matt Kirby <[email protected]>
United States - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 03:30:49
Hi! I stumbled upon your page and saw what you wrote about Miss Saigon. A lot of my friends have been in this show all over the world and I've watched them. I even almost joined them at one point. I must say that you should try to see Jon-Jon Briones or Junix Inocian as Engineer because they are excellent! Jon-Jon did the US Tour and is now doing the UK Tour. Junix pitches in once in a while still. They are both not so tall but appear larger-than-life onstage and they are HILARIOUS!
Madmuse <[email protected]>
USA/Philippines - Friday, December 3, 2004 at 16:32:34
Hi Stacy, i discovered this website when I was trying to find information on musical lyrics. I now use this website for theater-going. I also got introduced to oh so cool musical s like Kiss of the Spider Woman, Hedwig and The Angry Inch, and Assassins. However, there's some oh so cool musicals that have barely any information at all on the internet. Nine the musical is an perfect example of what I'm talking about. In the broadway revival recording, there's a synopsis and lyrics. I'm not so sure about the original cast recording having that though. Luckily, in my local library, there's a section for drama books and one of them contains plentifuls of pics from the original broadway production (and I will scan them to you if requested). Also, there's a revival for La Cage aux Folles coming this November to the Marquis Theater (where Millie played previously). I really hope there might be a page abput that too!!!!!! Thank you for your time! ~Lindit Truffle
Lindit Truffle <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 13:34:25
I am a MASSIVE fan of your site. I check it everyday since i found it 2 years ago. But i am not fan of guestbooks, so i didn't wrote anything. I just want to say that you should seriously think of making the guestbook moderated. Those spammers are harming your AMAZING site! Take care, and God bless you.
- Monday, October 25, 2004 at 15:58:52
THIS SITE IS AWSOME! I was wondering when you will get a Dracula page because i would like to know more about that musical
Andrew Guay <[email protected]>
USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 at 17:30:28
really a faszinating site - as a musician/producer i am always searching the net for good music-informations... greetz from vienna !!
austria/europe - Monday, October 11, 2004 at 04:36:22
Hi, This is an amazing website. You are one busy woman! Your insights into musicals is remarkable. I am very surprised that theatres aren't queue-ing up to give you freebies as this site is so in depth and full of great tips and reviews. I, too have a site devoted to theatre but it is in no way as polished as this one. Will add your page to my links page. Thanks again. Visiting your site brightened up a dull Sunday! Regards, Glenn
Glenn Meads <[email protected]>
UK - Sunday, October 10, 2004 at 05:57:56
Hey, I really love this site, it is really very good! But one thing I came across is, that many videos and sounds under "Elisabeth" doesn't work ... :-( Can that be fixed? All the best from Morten.
Morten Daugaard Olsen <[email protected]>
Denmark - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 at 10:30:28
Hello, I have been an avid visitor to your WONDERFUL site, I love everything about it and frequently use your excellent information in deciding what I MUST see, because, living in BC in a small town I have to make a drive to Vancouver whenever shows come and you haven't let me down in helping me to decide what I have to see, which most of the time is EVERYTHING :S but, it's well worth it, I just saw Rent for the first time a few weeks ago and only wish I'd spent more money for the better tickets it was THAT good! I had never noticed this Guestbook link before though, otherwise I'd have posted LONG AGO! Anyways, thanks for the PERFECTLY MARVELOUS site and please, never let your amazing passion for musical theatre die! Thanks, Tyrel Boelsma
Tyrel Boelsma <[email protected]>
Canada, BC - Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 19:58:53
This is a great site. I admire that you have the attention span to keep up an archive like this. I love musicals, and I would do something like this if I ever thought I could complete it...but I couldn't. I'm glad you could, though, because it's a fantastic site and a great help. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ~*~Meg~*~
Meg Wilson <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, October 2, 2004 at 19:28:32
Hi! I am studying English. I love musicals very much. Especially, I love Elisabeth. This page excited me! I am happy to get much information about Elisabeth in English because I can't understand German. Thank you very much!
Kumi <[email protected]>
Japan - Thursday, September 30, 2004 at 12:46:11
I love musicals but here in Sweden it's not that popular. I am always looking for other friends out there that love musicals too and who wants to share some information or just want to be e-pals..write me.. Love Linda
Linda <[email protected]>
Sweden - Monday, September 20, 2004 at 03:03:32
Great website, please keep up the great work!
Sarah <SarahNarya2003>
UK - Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 15:30:34
I love this site! I'm obsessed with musicals so this is great! nice lyrics, clips, and a great idea! thanks! only advice is to keep it up and add more and more!
Leslie <[email protected]>
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 16:38:43
I'd just like to say your site is amazing. The personal experiance sections are the best to read and it's just so nice to be able to come here if I need lyrics. Keep up the awesome work! :)
Liz <[email protected]>
US - Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 11:45:39
Hello! I just wanted to thank you for this site, it's absolutely gorgeous! I'm a big fan of musicals, and thanks to you I have "found" a lot of new favourites from here. Really, this is like a Bible to me... =) Unfortunately I have never seen any musicals 'live', but as soon as I get to some place where they're performing some of my favourites I will rush to the theatre. Phantom is on the top of my list, as well as TdV. They so rarely (never) come to Finland... Once again, Thank You for offering me a musical heaven.
Finland - Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 12:22:18
Sorry About the last guestbook entry i did. My computer got all weird. But, on with the entry. I saw the same exact Guys and Dolls show in Stratford this june. It was great. Scott Wentworth was excellent as Sky.
USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 11:05:45
Dear Stacey,
Scott <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 11:02:45
Hey my name is Robert and my school is doing "Once on This Island" for our fall musical and i was just woundering if you were almost done with that link? If not, would you be able to send me lyrics for the show to my personal email? Im in desperate need. I really want to land the part of "Agwe" and i need to know all of his songs by the tryout dates to even make an impression can you help me??? Robert
Robert Martes <[email protected]>
- Monday, August 16, 2004 at 21:11:12
Hey GREAT site! I come here all the time. i was just wondering if you were eventually planning to do a Wizard of Oz page.. maybe say how it relates to Wicked, How the show is different from the movie.. that kind of stuff. I think that'd be neat. So maybe someday when youre through your stacks of other musicals to do you can do wizard of oz? Thanks. Have a wonderful rest of your holiday!
- Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 21:50:11
Hey Stacy, I stumbled upon your website the other day and could not believe how in depth it was! It is an amazing SOURCE of top-notch information on only the BEST of the BEST in cast recordings and perfomers. I'd love to get to know you better and converse more about our simuilar interests! - Michael
Michael Gene Zuniga <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 at 12:46:30
Hi Stacy, I'm from the UK and I have been a great fan of your site for some time now. Anyway, I read from the main page that you will be making a trip down to London in a couple of weeks. If you want information on ticket offers there, is a great place for discount codes and links. Hope you have a great time in London! Andrew
Musical Theatre Fan
UK - Monday, August 9, 2004 at 10:02:22
hello I like your website I hope you look at mines because you inspire me to make this website[email protected]/Musical.html . Hope you like it and more updates soon! P.S: I was in my 11th grade production of Oklahoma!: I played The Farmer Chorus with other talented High school performers
John Rivera <[email protected]>
USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 21:52:08
Stacy, why don't you have a page for Godspell? I love the show and would really like some more info on it.
Neill <[email protected]>
USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 00:09:50
I absolutely love your site-especially your Les Mis one! It's so cool! Been visiting every day since I found it! Great job!
USA - Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 15:50:44
Dear Stace, I thought I would drop by your site to see what is new in your world. WOW! There is a lot going on. I can tell that you have been busy. Hope we can keep in touch more often. Things out here in BC are going very well. Hope all is well with your family, and of course with yourself. ciao, Jen :)
Jen Underwood <[email protected]>
Canada - Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 14:19:41
There ought to be TV channels dedicated to Musicals.
UK - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 22:06:32
Just had to drop a note on how much I love your site! I check back all the time to see about updates, and it always has the best info! Thanks!
Kara <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 12:52:32
Hi I love your site. I was woundering when will you have a link to "once on this island" my high school is going to do that for our fall musical and it would be nice to have a place i can run to for lyrics and stuff. Thanks Robert
Robert Martes <[email protected]>
USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 19:54:55

Stacy's response: Hi Robert! I love "Once on this Island", and actually started working on some pages for it a few months ago, but I must have got distracted. I'll bump it up to the front of my list of shows to work on. Hope you have a great time putting it on this fall!

Hey, it's me again... you are the Site of the Month on my Theatre site... check it out!! Thanks again
Corey <[email protected]>
USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 01:26:11

Stacy's response: Hi again Corey! :-) Thanks for the honour! If it's okay with you, I'll add it to the "awards" section of my site (which has been looking pretty sad lately). :-)

May I request a Musical? How about HONK! That is quite the good show, one of my favourites.
UK - Friday, July 30, 2004 at 21:31:19

Stacy's response: Hi Jenny! I certainly take requests, but when I can get around to adding them is tougher to say. Still, I'll add this one to my list. Thanks!

This is a great site and I hope it stays open for a long time. I am glad I came across it and I keep it on my favorites list. You rock!!
Travis <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 at 14:18:24

Stacy's response: Hi Travis! Thanks for your comments! I read on your site you've spent some time as a critic - I always enjoy reading other peoples' reviews of shows. Thanks for visiting!

Wow, I like this site too much!! There�s a lot of information about thousands of musicals, I've never heard before!! This site is one of my favourites. Go on! You're doing a great job!!
james Martin <[email protected]>
Nigeria - Monday, July 26, 2004 at 05:52:42 Stacy's response: Hi James! I think you're the first theatre fan I've met from Nigeria! :-) I'm so glad you were able to find some new shows on the site, and I will try to keep adding more! Thanks for visiting!
Hi there Stacy. I guess I should email you instead of spamming your guestbook, but I'm lazy.... I just wanted to tell you that many of your links seems to be down. DO you have some database trouble? All the "Atlantis" songs are gonw, and so is half of the Christine pictures. Maybe more as well, but I haven't checked out your whole site. Just wanted to tell you. I hope you're enjoying the summer!
An�a <[email protected]>
Norway - Saturday, July 24, 2004 at 17:27:55

Stacy's response: Hi An�a! Better you signed the guestbook - you're actually more likely to get a quick response from me by posting in here (of course, now that I've said that, no one will email me anymore! :-). Anyway, I am having some storage issues, but they should all be fixed over the next month or so. Let me know if you notice anything else, and thanks for telling me!

I admire musical Notre-Dame de paris, especially french version. I want to discuss it, to exchange opinions. Everybody, who likes this musical, write me please. I will answer to everybody.
Jane <[email protected]>
Russia - Saturday, July 24, 2004 at 15:17:08

Stacy's response: Hi Jane! Seems like Notre Dame has quite a lot of fans in Russia - nice to see! I'll leave your message here so people can get in touch with you if they want. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi Stacy, Any chance of seeing your review of the Hungarian Cast CD of Phantom of the Opera on the site?
"nobody" <[email protected]>
Hungary - Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 16:22:25

Stacy's response: Hi there, I will try to add the Phantom review very shortly! July has been a really busy month for me! Thanks for visiting

Hi, I just wanted to say that I love your site. I'm sort of new to the theatre seen and I someday hope to be on Broadway myself someday. Have you ever seen "THE WIZ" and will there be a page for it? Just wanted to say keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!! PEACE
Tyree Walker <[email protected]>
Alabama, U.S.A. - Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 11:31:36

Stacy's response: Hi Tyree! I haven't seen "The Wiz" yet, but I may still make pages for it, sooner or later! Welcome to the great world of musical theatre, and good luck with your Broadway dream!

This site has helped me in so many ways! I love all the information you have, especially the lyrics and your experiences seeing the shows. Visit my website at and see what you think! Thanks again!
Corey Mach <[email protected]>
USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 00:09:33

Stacy's response: Hi Corey! I'm so glad you found the site helpful! Your site looks great, you've sure been in a lot of shows already! Good luck with your stage career, and thanks for visiting!

Hi, Stacy! The Autant pages are great! Looking forward to your thoughts on the dvd! Hope you are having a good summer. :)
Kathey <[email protected]>
California, USA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 at 17:44:21

Stacy's response: Hi Kathey! I'm looking forward to seeing the DVD! :-) You have a nice summer too!

This is my favorite musicals website!! But I was wondering if you could add some musicals that I am having trouble locating elsewhere on the net. Like, L'il Abner, for example. I am in that show right now (playing Daisy May) and I would be interested to read about development of the musical and about performers who have performed my role before. Thanks, Natalie
Natalie Rich <[email protected]>
USA - Thursday, July 8, 2004 at 00:02:17

Stacy's response: Hi Natalie! I usually add shows that I've seen or am quite familiar with before I start working on ones that I don't know much about, and unfortunately L'il Abner falls into the second category. I know there's a movie version, but I've never seen it - maybe you want to check that out? Anyway, have fun doing the show!

Hi, I've been visiting your site for a couple years now and I really love checking for yor updates. Whenever I'm getting into a new musical I check your site for information. I heard a song from Romeo et Juliette and fell in love with the music. I wanted to learn more about the musical then I checked your site, and sure enough it was there! I recently started listening to Nine, however, and was suprised to see that you don't have a page up for it. Or Gypsy! Those are just a couple requests. Keep up the great site. :-) Carla
Carla Garcia <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 18:09:12

Stacy's response: Hi Carla! Always nice to hear from another Rom�o & Juliette fan! I'll add your requests to the list - even though I keep adding more shows, my list of ones to work on always seems to get bigger rather than smaller! :-) Thanks for visiting!

hey! AMAZING site! how did you get to meet all the star performers after you saw the show? i was wondering if you were going to make a page for Cinderella sometime soon great job!
Lauren <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, July 3, 2004 at 18:18:09

Stacy's response: Hi Lauren, glad to hear you enjoyed your visit! And your wish is my command - Cinderella pages are now up! :-) As for the performers, I usually just hang out outside the stage door if there's someone in the show I'd like to meet, and they are usually more than happy to talk for a minute or two, sign an autograph or take a picture. Theatre people are the best!

Hi Stacy, my name�s Alessandra Di Sarra from Italy. I�m founder of tosca amore disperato fans club. Your site is very beautiful!!!! Have you heard of the musical �tosca amore disperato�? If you don�t heard of this musical and you want to know about Tosca amore disperato, you can write me : [email protected]
Alessandra <[email protected]>
Rome (italy) - Monday, June 28, 2004 at 09:05:22

Stacy's response: Hi Alessandra! You're the second person to mention Tosca Amore Disperato, so maybe I need to check it out. :-) Thanks for visiting!

What an AWESOME site! Wow! I love the way you put the ticket/logo at the top... love how you have everything set the time and detail you put into it all. The links are great! The pictures are fun to see! I'll be back many more times to check everything out. GREAT work. :) :)
Jenny <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 23:42:11

Stacy's response: Hi Jenny! Thanks so much for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit! I try to update every week, so if you come back, there should be new things to see too! :-)

Great site! I'll see Mamma mia today and I got so much information from here! Thanks!
Ken Kum
- Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 22:34:52

Stacy's response: Hi Ken! I hope you liked Mamma Mia! It's one of my favourites. :-) Thanks for visiting!

I just saw the first Phantom trailer. I will give you the web site. Hope you like the trailer.
Brandon <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 21:48:19

Stacy's response: Hi Brandon, thanks for the link! It looks...interesting. I definitely saw swords. :-( Anyway, it's hard to get any real idea of the film from that teaser - I guess we'll have to wait and see!

Hi! if you're a fan of the musical Notre Dame de Paris, if you want to talk to fans from all over the world, if you have something to say about favourite musical, actors and songs from it, JOIN us on our forum! This forum is specially designed for fans of Notre Dame from different countries. We have already some fans from Russia. Just log in and tell a friend! Let all Notre Dame fans join!!! Thanx, Chris (
Chris <[email protected]>
Russia - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 17:29:56

Stacy's response: Hi Chris! Thanks for the link, I'll leave it up here for anyone who's interested. I'm hoping to see the show in Russia next year if it's still playing! Thanks for visiting.

This is a great and very helpful site. I have auditions for Sweeney Todd in a few days and your site really helped. So thanks!
Jennifer O <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 03:29:42

Stacy's response: Hi Jennifer! I'm glad you were able to find what you were looking for. Good luck with your audition!

Very good site I wish there were all the musical in the world in this site but there is a lot of them even french musicals. For Autant en emporte le vent you have to see the show (if they come in Canada)to become a real if not huge fan .Bisous et merci

If you want to hear Claude-Michel Schonberg sing you have to hear the french musical (an other one lol )"La R�volution Fran�aise" a great show you can find the album everywhere on the internet he plays Louis 16 (hard life for him lol). There is other french musical like "Les dix commendements" (I read that this show will be played in America I don't remember where exactly I think it was Las Vegas like Notre Dame de Paris ),"Ali Baba", "Tristan et Iseult", 'Le petit prince", "Cindy : Cendrillon 2002", "Les demoiselles de Rochefort" except "les dix commendements" these musicals weren't a sucess in France but I enjoy listen to the album. I have to say that if you didn't really liked the dances in NDP you won't like to see the other shows because there is a lot of dances too but I really recommend you Autant en emporte le vent if you can see it I really loved this show when I saw it I was in the third rank it was amazing Laura is a very good Scarlett, Vincent do a great job my favorites are Joel and Dominique. So I stop here. If you want to talk about french musicals and other email me I would really like it. Sorry to have been very long (lol) Gros bisous
Sandrine Lav� <[email protected]>
France - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 10:14:05

Stacy's response: Salut Sandrine! I combined your two entries so it's easier for me to reply. :-) I'd love to have more French musicals on the site - I actually have some DVDs of a few more shows, but I just haven't had a chance to study them in any detail yet. I will definitely be watching for Autant en emporte le vent to come to Qu�bec! Merci de tous vos commentaires, et je vous certainement �crirai si j'ai besoin de l'information sur quelques com�die-musicales fran�aises. :-) Merci pour visiter!

Hi, Sorry if I'm Bothering you. But I have fun talking to you! I just wanted to know what it was like to see Ted Nealy as Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar? He was really great in the movie version. I also wanted to know where do you get all of your cool CDs. I have looked everywhere but I can't find Cats London cast. And I know you have it. If you do not know already I love Sarah Brightman. She has the prettiest voice I think I have ever heard.
Brandon <[email protected]>
USA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 00:58:15

Stacy's response: Hi Brandon! Ted Neeley was great in Superstar. Age made no difference in his portrayal of the role - if anything, he was actually more compelling. My mom was especially thrilled with his performance. :-) I actually picked up the London Cats at a used CD sale, but generally I get my CDs from Sound of Music - if they don't have it (which is pretty unlikely!), they'll help you find it!

Hi there, I love your site! I am going on my first trip to NYC in August, any suggestions? (esp. cost saving ones LOL). I did buy a full price ticket to Wicked, so I would be sure to see the show! :) Thanks & keep up the good work! :)
Jessica <[email protected]>
Canada - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 at 21:47:48

Stacy's response: Hi Jessica! Aw, I'm so jealous you'll be seeing Wicked in August! I'd really like to see Joey McIntyre as Fiyero. :-) Anyway, my advice to you would just be to know all your options before going - know which shows have rush seats, which shows have lotteries, or standing room. Those options are usually cheaper than TKTS, so I try them first, and if, for whatever reason, it doesn't work out, then I head to the ticket booth. Playbill has a good list of rush and standing room policies for different shows. Have a great time!

I love your site. Every time I want to know something or want a synopsis or lyrics, I come here! It has lyrics, synopsis, reviews and everything else i can think of! It's my fav website and I'm not just saying that. How did you meet Hunter Foster? I have to go surf your website. Again. Bye!
U.S.A - Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 22:53:36

Stacy's response: Hi Scott! Thanks so much for your comments, they mean a lot! I met Hunter at the stage door of Little Shop - he was really sweet. I'd love to see him in The Producers! Thanks for visiting!

Hi! Stacy, your website is: GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT!!!! I love it!!!! nice greets from germany Theresa
Theresa <[email protected]>
Germany - Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 10:46:42

Stacy's response: Thanks Theresa! Always nice to meet more theatre fans from Germany. I wish I could go there every month, there's so many things to see! :-)

Hi! I'd like to tell, this site is very good!!! I just miss more pictures. I like reading about musicals here. In Hungary where I live, almost every musical, I found here, is running in theatres. If somebody has any chance to come to my country, take it, wonderful.
Erika <[email protected]>
Hungary - Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 09:22:07

Stacy's response: Hi Erika! I wholeheartedly second your suggestion - I had a great time in Hungary, and recommend it to anyone! I'd love to get back there myself, but it won't be for a while, I'm afraid. As for pictures, I just don't have the space to have galleries for each show, but I'm glad you enjoyed your visit anyway!

Hey Stacy! Have you heard of the Italian musical "Tosca Amore Disperato"? From what I've seen (and heard) so far, it looks GOOD! P.S. Have you seen any of the DVDs yet?
Lora <[email protected]>
Greece - Monday, June 7, 2004 at 10:47:40

Stacy's response: Hi Lora! I owe you a big email, I know - hopefully this week! :-) Anyway, I haven't heard anything about "Tosca Amore Disperato", but I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!

Hey Stacy This is the second time I have e-mailed and I just wanted to know. What are your thoughts on how the Phantom movie is going to work out? Even though I am such a phantom fan I just can't help but think that this movie is going to stink and give phantom a bad name. I herd that it is going to be rated R. Well hope you get this e-mail.
Brandon McCollum <[email protected]>
United States - Sunday, June 6, 2004 at 16:54:51

Stacy's response: Hi Brandon! Well, as someone who actively protested the movie for a couple of years in the late '90s, I'm naturally disappointed that they decided to go through with it, and all I'm heard so far hasn't instilled much optimism in me (a sword fight?!?). But I guess we'll have to wait and see - my hope now is that it's so laughably bad that nobody will take it seriously as a representation of the stage show!

Hi Stacy I'm a musicalfan in Stockholm, Sweden. I often visit your site, and I'm very impressed! If you want to get some help with the translation for Helen Sj�holm's site send me a mail and I'll try to help you out! (though my english is "so and so"..) Great site!!! I just love it!!! /Maria
Maria <[email protected]>
Sweden - Saturday, June 5, 2004 at 11:18:44

Stacy's response: Hi Maria! You may regret offering to do Swedish translation for me. ;-) There are lots of great sites in Swedish (particularly on Chess and Kristina fr�n Duvem�la) that I would love to know more about! Anyway, I'll definitely keep your offer in mind. :-) Thanks for visiting!

Hi , I am writing from Asunci�n, Paraguay (Sudam�rica), I just love "Sound of Music", I was able to listen also some foreing versions, including an argentinian version in Spanish named "La Novicia Rebelde". I also love "My Fair Lady" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" along with "Camelot". In my country unfortunately musicals are not performed just a few operas..Thanks for your site. Best, Osvaldo
Osvaldo Mayor K. <[email protected]>
Paraguay - Monday, May 31, 2004 at 15:27:58

Stacy's response: Hi Osvaldo! Nice to meet a theatre fan from Paraguay! :-) An Argentinian Sound of Music sounds very interesting! I hope you get more shows coming up in the future, and in the meantime, I'm glad you found the site helpful! Thanks for visiting!

Stacy - Just wanted to inform you that there is supposed to be a recording of the Budapest cast out sometime later this year. And the Russian production of the show opened in Moscow on May 20th! From people I have talked too, it has the same music and costumes as the French, but the sets are like the Belgian, and the role of 'Death' is played by a guy. I'll have pictures on my site soon! I don't know anything about a recording for this production, but I have a link to some songs from the show. If you want it, e-mail me :)
Katrina <[email protected]>
USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 14:16:06

Stacy's response: Hi Katrina! Wow, I would love to see the show in Moscow! And I can't wait to hear the Hungarian recording. I'll definitely be emailing you soon. :-)

This is a very put-together site! I love coming here to look up random stuff about the musicals I hear about, and they are almost always here..! Some suggestions for new musicals: "Songs For a New World" (another Jason Robert Brown), "A New Brain", and "Mame". Thanks for putting so much effort into this site!
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 13:52:20

Stacy's response: Hi Lauren! Thanks for the suggestions. I keep a list of shows I want to get to, so I'll add these to it! "Songs for a New World" should be along in a couple of weeks. :-)

i've become a regular visitor to this site since i discovered it. this site is awesome! so much information, and so many musicals and is also always updated. Thank you Stacy for creating this great site, and hope you get more visitors each day!
USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 at 18:55:48

Stacy's response: Hi Holly! Thanks so much for your comments - I do put an awful lot of time into this site, so it's always nice to hear that it's noticed and appreciated. :-) Keep checking in!

Wow, I like this site too much!! There�s a lot of information about thousands of musicals, I've never heard before!! This site is one of my favourites. Go on! You're doing a great job!!
Juan Luis <[email protected]>
Spain - Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 10:18:53

Stacy's response: Hi Juan! I'm so glad you've found the site helpful! I don't think there's thousands of shows yet, but I'm working on it. ;-) Thanks for visiting!

Hey, I really love your this site. I come from the Netherlands so if you wanna know something about Dutch cast recordings or upcoming Dutch show you can always ask me. I like Pia Douwes also and she was great in the Dutch productions of Fosse en 3 Musketiers. The DVD of 3 musketiers is also great with a backstage look guided by Pia. It also contains Engelish subtitles. Hope to hear from you. Martijn.
Martijn Bakker <[email protected]>
Netherlands - Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 10:06:35

Stacy's response: Hi Martijn! I will definitely have to get the 3 Musketiers DVD, I would love to see the show, and the English subtitles will definitely help. :-) Are you going to see The Last 5 Years in Amsterdam? I'm really curious about the show there, how they've changed it to suit being set in the Netherlands.

I am very impressed with this site. It seems like you are quite familiar with nearly every popular show. Way to go! I really enjoyed it.
Ally <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at 10:45:15

Stacy's response: Hi Ally! Glad you liked it! I'm still adding shows, so keep visiting! :-)

Hi. This site is great. However I'm missing an 'about us' page. Or, at least I can't find it (I've got some language issues). Could you please help me? / Larry
Larry <larry>
- Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at 05:48:07

Stacy's response: Hi Larry! It's just me that runs the site - there's no "us". :-) If you want to know more about me, you can visit my personal site -

Hi There !! Just want to thank you for such a detailed job on each musical. It has been of great help to understand eg. all the lyrics on the DVD of Romeo and Juliette!! I went to see Autant emporte le vent in Paris last November and thought it was just great!! Many thanks Jerry
jerry <[email protected]>
gibraltar - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 13:13:01

Stacy's response: Hi Jerry, I'm glad I could help! :-) And it's nice to hear from someone who enjoyed Autant en emporte le vent - I'm looking forward to seeing the DVD! Thanks for visiting!

It's a great site! I love how you've done it! It's very detailed and helps me a lot. Everytime I'm looking for lyrics or info about some show, I come here to see if you have something on it! Keep on the great job!
JS <[email protected]>
Canada - Monday, May 10, 2004 at 18:03:15

Stacy's response: Yay, more Canadians! :-) I'm really happy that you've found the site helpful. Thanks for visiting!

Hey Stacy. Thanks for the e-mail about "Mozart! Budapest" CD. I got it from my uncle in Hungary who had mailed it to me. I absolutely LOVE it...And I can finally understand it now. But anyways I was wondering if you have seen or plan on seeing "Avenue Q". I got the CD and it's just so hilarious. Maybe you should look into it.
Laura <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, May 10, 2004 at 15:46:54

Stacy's response: Hi Laura! Glad to hear you liked the Budapest Mozart! I've just got mine, haven't had a chance to really listen to it yet, but I'm looking forward to it! Avenue Q is one of the things on my "maybe" list for New York next weekend - depends on how it goes getting tickets for everything else!

I am so sorry to hear your injured. Please take care and recover soon.
Sanda <[email protected]>
- Monday, May 3, 2004 at 14:12:52

Stacy's response: Hi Sanda! Thanks for your concern! Don't worry, it's not too bad though - I just lost part of my fingernail, and it made it hard to type! But it's almost better now. :-)

the site is the best musical site. except there is no libretto for grease? what about pictures. phantom has great stuff pictures, lyrics and even dutch libretto!!! This website is great remind me when grease libretto and pics are here ok!
Jonathan Salaiz <[email protected]>
usa - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 at 23:23:50

Stacy's response: Thanks Jonathan, I'm glad you like it! I am working on a Grease stage libretto, please be patient. :-) Unfortunately, I just don't have the space to have photo galleries for every show, so Phantom and Pimpernel are the only ones where you'll find them. Hope you enjoy the rest of the site!

This is a great site, really well detailed. I've been visting the site for a while, but I haven't signed the guestbook till now. Would you ever consider adding a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang section?
Katherine <[email protected]>
UK - Monday, April 26, 2004 at 06:02:01

Stacy's response: Hi Katherine! I really should add a Chitty section, shouldn't I? I saw the show in London in July '02, and had a really good time. I'll add it to my list of shows to work on! Thanks for visiting!

I have been visiting your site for quite some time now and I just absolutly love it. I love that I can get all the information that I want about all of my favorite plays. I am truly a theater geek and all my needs are met at this site. So I just wanted to say thank you so very much I appreciate it.
Abby <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, April 24, 2004 at 18:41:48

Stacy's response: Theatre geeks of the world unite! :-) That's really sweet Abby, thanks for writing! I'm so glad you enjoy the site. Keep stopping by!

Hey Stacy! Have you heard of the French musical "Cindy, Cendrillon 2002"? Are you going to add a section for it? I'd love to see it on this site!
Katrina <[email protected]>
USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 at 12:30:09

Stacy's response: Hey Katrina! I actually don't know much about that show yet, but I'm getting the DVD. So hopefully once I've seen it, I'll be able to add some semi-intelligent commentary on it. If you like it, it must be alright! :-)

Hello.. good resource, but perhaps try and get some more british performer profiles? would be cool. ;) thanks.
UK - Thursday, April 8, 2004 at 21:10:30

Stacy's response: Hi Alek! Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to see a lot of British performers, so that's why I don't have a lot of info on them. But I will try my best to include more of them! :-)

Stacy! I just want to say that is great pleasure that i see you listen our Jekyll... I can't believe it... I am very happy you like that cd, because i play in this show in Hungary... Hope one day you can see us in Budapest. It is worth, you can believe to me! Wishes good to you! Bye!
Edit <[email protected]>
Hungary - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 at 06:00:29

Stacy's response: Hi Edit! I really like the Hungarian J&H! And I just saw that the Hungarian Mozart! recording is out now - I will have to buy that one too. I can't wait to hear it!!

Hey Stacy, My name is Robert Martes and I just wanted to tell you how much I love your site. I get all the musical lyrics that i want and that I need. I'm glade someone finally made a site where its just based on musicals, I LOVE IT!!! Sincerely, Robert Martes
Robert Martes <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 at 10:47:16

Stacy's response: Hi Robert! Thanks for your comments! I'm really glad you like the site, and that you're able to find the lyrics you need. Keep stopping by for new ones!

just wanted to say: great page!! kisses Lindsay
Lindsay <[email protected]>
the netherlands - Friday, April 2, 2004 at 11:05:08
I've been a musical lover since Chicago the movie. Since then, I looked for other sources of musicals. I found Les Miserables which is VERY VERY great. After Les Mis, I've become Andrew Lloy Webber and Boublil-Schonberg lover. Starlight Express, Cats, Les Miserables, and Miss Saigon are still the best for now. The greatest musical site I've ever found. Completed with CD reviews. Musical stuff in my country is VERY VERY rare. What a country with low taste of music :P. This site really helps me. Long live Stacy! :)
Oh yeah... for anyone who has the same interest to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Alain Boublil & Claude-Michel Schonberg and Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II, please add me in MSN Messenger and : [email protected]. Hoping we can create a great community of musical lovers. :)

Yanadi SuTan <[email protected]>
Indonesia - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 12:08:35

Stacy's response: Hi there! It's always so nice to hear from people from other parts of the world! And it's good to know that the Chicago movie did inspire people to become musical fans too! :-) I'm so glad you enjoyed the site, and if I'm ever on MSN, I'll try to look you up!

Hiya love the site!!! I love miss saigon and i was just searching it when i stumbled across you site and Its gr8!!! If ne1 else love miss saigon plz visit my site :] Thx Beccax
becca <[email protected]>
England - Monday, March 15, 2004 at 12:30:23

Stacy's response: Nice site! I'll add a link from my Miss Saigon pages. Thanks for visiting!

The site is absolutely amazing, I love reading everything you have up and I check back nearly every day just to see if you've put up anything new, or to look up a new show! Keep it up Stacy! It would be even better if you could put up more pictures of the actual show if at all possible. Also, I'm going to London this year, and I'm at a loss for what to see, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions as I can only go see 2 out there. Please and Thank You!!!
Anthony <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 14:33:35

Stacy's response: I'm so glad you enjoy the site! I would love to put up more pictures, but it's really a matter of bandwidth right now - maybe if I can find a cheap (ie. free) place to host them, I could add some more. Anyway, as for London, depends when you're going - for right now, I'd suggest maybe Anything Goes with John Barrowman, or something that hasn't made it over here yet, like Tonight's the Night, We Will Rock You or Jerry Springer: The Opera. There are other interesting things opening in the fall as well. Have a great trip!

Great site. Have you heard of other French musicals, like Les dix commandements, Ali Baba, Autant En Emporte Le Vent etc? Some are really interesting.
Lora <[email protected]>
Greece - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 11:13:44

Stacy's response: I'm familiar with the ones you listed except Ali Baba - feel free to email me with more info about it if you want! I'll hopefully be adding some info about Autant En Emport le Vent fairly soon (see Kathey's entry below! :-).

My favorite musical theatre site! Keep up the good work, Stacy! How about a section for Presgurvic's Autant En Emporte Le Vent? :)
Kathey <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 00:34:17

Stacy's response: Hi Kathey! Autant En Emport Le Vent is on my list of shows to add to the site - within the next couple of months for sure!

I love your site!!!! I have been visiting it often for a couple of weeks. I too wondered why Harry's line in Mamma Mia was changed, at first but I remembered the first few times I saw the show on bus trips, the line (joke?) was lost of some people thinking Harry had said Florence instead of Lawrence. It's just a theory though. Anyway - great site & keep up the great work!!!
Canada - Sunday, March 7, 2004 at 13:24:14

Stacy's response: A Canadian, yay! :-) That's a really interesting point, I'd never thought that it could very well sound like Florence - perhaps that really is why they changed it! Anyway, thanks for visiting, and maybe I'll run into you at a show sometime. :-)

I love this site i can get all the "Wicked" stuff that I want.
Robert Martes <[email protected]>
USA - Friday, March 5, 2004 at 11:06:00

Stacy's response: Glad you like it! Hopefully there will be a new "Wicked" experience added soon as well! :-)

Please put more information on the productions!!
Moira Anderson <[email protected]>
America - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at 15:35:52

Stacy's response: Any particular productions? I'm open to suggestion, but you need to be a bit more specific! :-)

Dear Stacy! If you want to see something you've never seen before come back to Hungary and watch the Romeo and Juliet in the Operett Theatre. Same cast as the Mozart was!!! It is amasing... And we have a unique ending... nobody did this before in the world!!! Dolhai Attila and Szinet�r D�ra are great again. Oh and he is grateful for your kind words on the internet, I told him you were here!!! :-) And I would like to introduce you another good actor, from my hometown Ny�regyh�za, who is the big suprise of the show. He is the other Wolfgang Mozart, and he is called M�sz�ros �rp�d Zsolt! He plays Benvolio in a brilliant way... Hope you can see it soon!!! And don't forget the Phantom! :-) Best wishes: Edit
Edit <[email protected]>
Hungary - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 at 18:31:13

Stacy's response: Hi Edit! I would *love* to see Romeo and Juliet in Budapest, it looks fantastic! But unfortunately I don't think I will be there again anytime this year. :-( Hopefully there will be a recording of it though! And thank you for passing on my greetings to Dolhai Attila!

Hi again Stacy. It was a great experience to be a part of that concert, and I'm looking very much forward to the release party of our DVD tonight in fact. Take a look of the pictures I took at our party in October, you can see the link I've posted. If you want more knowledge of Atlantis and Danish musicals in general, I think I'm the man you're looking for :-)
Simon <[email protected]>
Denmark - Monday, February 23, 2004 at 08:52:44
Hi Stacy. Funny to see reviews in English of Atlantis, as I think I myself were one of the biggest "nerds" in knowledge of this musical, but I can see I got a little competition :-) Anyway, I was one of the chorus members of the anniverssary concert, so if you need any info of the concert or backstage gossip, just email me. I also have recordings of two performances from 1996 and 1998 where amateurs performed Atlantis, and besides that I have a couple of other (probably for you) unknown musicals, which I have participated in here in Denmark. Best regards Simon
Simon <[email protected]>
Denmark - Monday, February 23, 2004 at 07:30:40

Stacy's response: Well, I prefer the term "geek" to "nerd". ;-) Always a pleasure to hear from other people who know about Atlantis! It must have been very cool to be part of that concert! I really enjoyed it. We need more people who know about Danish musicals! :-)

I love your site!!! So wonderful. I was wondering though, if you had any info about Phantom? I LOVE your SITE!!! ~Miquela
Miquela <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 at 00:21:09

Stacy's response: Hey Miquela! Glad you liked the site! There's a whole big section on Phantom (my favourite show, by the way!) at Check it out!

I remember a month ago I was listening to "Mozart!" and I went to your website 'cause all my friends always go to get some info on different musicals. As I was looking at the different musicals I saw that you had "Mozart!" I was like "Whoa! Someone besides me knows of that musical." I definitely look through all of your info about it. Now I'm telling all my friends about "Mozart!". I saw it during the summer and I fell in love with that musical. I keep on praying that it'll come to the states or at least England so I could get the soundtrack in english and I actually see it again and recommend it to all of my friends. Could you inform me about when "Mozart!" comes to the states or when they'll have a hungarian recording of it. I'm glad that you liked Attila, unfortunately I saw the other performer play Mozart, which he was absolutely FABULOUS! I kept thinking that he was Riff from "West Side Story" the Hungarian version (I saw it before "Mozart!") But it wasn't him. I got over it. I hope you enjoyed Hungary. My parents are Hungarians and we always visit every summer. Sorry for all the rambling. I just admire you for all the musicals you've seen. Oh, yea. Could you also help me find out where I can get those different CDs with the Hungarian casts from the CDs that you have. Thanks a bunch! Keep on defying gravity...
Laura <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 at 15:20:31

Stacy's response: Don't worry about the rambling! I've been guilty of it once or twice myself. ;-) I'm always glad to hear from other Mozart! fans. I don't think there are any plans for an English-language production of it, but if that changes, I'll be sure to add info about it to this site. In the meantime, I buy almost all my foreign-language recordings from Sound of Music, which has every recording you could ever wish for, and are really friendly besides (sheesh, I ought to start getting paid for doing advertising for them! :-). Thanks for visiting!

Hi, trying to find something about a hungarian cast recording of Mozart! i found this page. Can you tell me, if there is already a recording available - i love this musical and there's only the vienna cast - a new recording would be great. Hope, you can help me. Best wishes from good old Germany Martin
Martin Naglo <[email protected]>
Germany - Friday, February 20, 2004 at 07:53:35

Stacy's response: Unfortunately, there's no Hungarian recording of Mozart! yet, but there are two different Japanese recordings of the show! They're pretty pricey, so I don't have them yet, but you can find them at Sound of Music.

Congratulations for all your effort into creating one of the best sites about musicals that I ever visted! I found lyrics I had been searching for a long time. You did a fantastic work. Truly amazing! Especially for a Brazilian like myself, who can't get all this info that easily... Best regards, Claudia.
Claudia <[email protected]>
Brazil - Friday, February 13, 2004 at 11:55:37

Stacy's response: Nice to know there are some South Americans visiting the site too! :-) I'm glad you were able to find what you were looking for, and hope you visit again from time to time!

Hi I find this article on your site from me. If you like the music you can enjoy it from my site love Barbara
Dorogi Barbara <[email protected]>
Hungary - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 12:21:34

Stacy's response: You were wonderful in Kiss of the Spider Woman! Thank you so much for signing the guestbook.
To all other readers of the site, this is a wonderful Hungarian actress, and I encourage all of you to check out her website!

when will you have the Act 2 lyrics to Romeo and Juliet the musical up??? Awesome site!!! Jen
UK - Saturday, February 7, 2004 at 01:09:04

Stacy's response: I'm working on Act Two, I promise! Things have been very busy around here lately, but I haven't forgotten about it, it's on my list of things to do! Check back soon!

I think that it is so cool that you get to see as many musicals as you do. And it is even cooler that you get to meet the performers. I just saw Phantom in San Francisco and after the show I got to meet the Phantom (Brad Little) and Christine (Lisa Vroman). I also love the musical Little shop of horrors. Do not take this personal but I think that Kerry Butler is 100 times better then Ellen Green ever was. And Kerry Butler will be the best forever. Love your site.
Brandon McCollum <[email protected]>
USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 at 22:14:22

Stacy's response: Hey, you're free to have your own opinion! :-) Glad you enjoyed the site, and I hope you have lots more chances to see more shows and meet more performers!

Oh yeah, your website floats my proverbial boat Ms. Stacy. However the question your delightful questionare misses is what we dislike about the website. The answer would be that it makes the musical website I help run look quite bad. If only in the sheer amount of diverse information about dozens of shows that the average theatre goer isn't horribly familiar with. Likewise I also figured it was about time I signed your guestbook, if only to alievate my poor, guilty heart for the fact that I have been far too tempted to steal far too many a good thing you have going on this website. If I ever use things from your site I source it *lights candle on the Stacy shrine*, but I am usually too afraid of them following it back to you to use them :p. The point of this was just mindless praise and of course to remind myself that there are plenty of normal people who are completly obsessed with how wonderful different musicals are. Thanks again and if you ever need a kidney or a good musical discussion, you always have me. ~ John
John <[email protected]>
United States of America - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 01:42:40
Stacy - this new guestbook is absolutely adoreable! And your site is more interesting (and updated) for every visit I have here.... Absolutely fantastic. As you see, many of those signing here, are foreigners. I think it's partly because you have tons of information here, but also because you have added many international cast CDs on your list. For me, it's rare to stumble across native English languaged persons who cares about musical CDs NOT sung in English, and even more rare that they are able to see their qualities although they don't understand the language. Keep up the good work, Stacy - you're my musical web site hero! :D
An�a <[email protected]>
Norway - Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 16:20:56

Stacy's response: Awww! I'm blushing! :-) Seriously, comments like this mean so much to me - it's the whole reason why I keep going with this site! And as for the foreign recordings, the great thing about music is that it's an international language - it doesn't really matter if I can understand the lyrics or not, the music still says the same thing! Thanks so much for visiting, and for brightening my day with your entry. :-)

Hey, Jennifer wanna join ILAS?
Laurie <[email protected]>
Canada - Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 13:49:10

Stacy's response: I'm too busy laughing to respond... ;-)

If you don't know who Anthony Warlow is find out! He is spectacular! And I love him dearly. Living in Australia I have had the chance to meet him twice! And he is great
Australia - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 17:56:21

Stacy's response: Um? Not know who he is? My favourite actor? LOL! I'm not sure why you think I'm not familiar with him, but you can find him all over this site! Thanks for visiting.

I've been searching for someone with a Wicked synopsis! You're the first site that had one, so thank you. Although, as someone who doesn't live near New York and is not likely to see the show, I wouldn't mind "spoilers". As it is, I have to guess what's happening a lot of the time. Keep up the great site!
USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 16:28:56

Stacy's response: Glad I could help! There are only a few things I didn't give away, and those I think you really should see live, whenever you get a chance. It's a great show!

Hi! I'm a hungarian girl, so it was great to see that you loved our Mozart!!! I am sure Attila will be happy, when I tell him, he had become an international celebrity... If you can do, come back soon and try to get a ticket for the phantom of the opera in the Madach Theatre... If you like Dolhai Attila, you must see Csengeri Attila as the phantom, Krassy Ren�ta as Christine and Homonnay Zsolt as Raul... Hope you can see them one day... You said, you don't know the hungarian name of "warum kannst du mich nicht lieben..." Now I tell you: Mi�rt nem fogadsz el engem? (in english it means Why don't you love me?) And the strange quill, given to Amad� from Waldst�tten, called "hangvilla". It is used by singers, to find the good start of a song... N�ray Erika is also good, but you can sorry not see Poly�k Lilla... She is much better... Your obedient servant: Kov�cs Edit
Edit <[email protected]>
Hungary - Friday, January 9, 2004 at 16:13:34

Stacy's response: Thanks for the help!! I really enjoyed Dolhai Attila's performance. I wanted to go to the stage door, but I was afraid that nobody would speak English and I would make a fool of myself. :-) Thanks for visiting!

I saw Jekyll & Hyde, in Budapest. This is new version because this is a nem theatre include new actress and actresses. It was fantastic!!!!! And the recording is superlative!!! And the hungarian language very beautiful. I'm a hungarian boy, I like the musicals, especialli which played in Hungary. This webside is very fantastic, it's my favourite!!! Congratulation!!!
Gabor <[email protected]>
Budapest-Hungary - Monday, January 5, 2004 at 06:45:30
Happy New Year!
Sanda <[email protected]>
- Sunday, January 4, 2004 at 13:33:00
This side is very, very good!!! Yes, I love it. Often I need the lyrics to some Musicals, and I never found some completly. So, I found this page and I was so happy, I was afraid, that this Lyrics only would be in English, but most of it are in German too, and this ist sooooo grat. Thank you, for this. Maybe it�s possible, that Phantom the Oprea could also be in German, that would be great.!!! Thank youe for all!!! Best wishes Dani
Daniela Wastyn <[email protected]>
Austria - Saturday, January 3, 2004 at 08:48:33
This is a totally AWESOME site! I've just found it and I already love it. I'll pay a visit whenever I have the chance and try to see everything it has... though it is gigantic :) Great work!
Aye, de Ciudad Evita <[email protected]>
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 at 23:30:34
I just want to say WOW. I`ve been admiring your site for quite a few months now and I want you to know I love it. It has been very helpful in many ways. I just love it!
Amanda <>
USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 02:40:16
Hi Stacy! Congratulations to this amazing website full of wonderful information and details about almost all the musicals I know! *g* Go on like that! I'm a huge fan of your site!
Maria <[email protected]>
Austria - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 12:55:00
Merry Christmas! Dear Stacy.
Sanda <[email protected]>
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 18:11:50
Wow, what a great website. All of the information you've collected is just amazing. I come here so often to check facts and look up lyrics. Thank you for this wonderful resource. I love this website!
Australia - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 05:15:19
Hi Stacey! I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful website. I've been here many times before and every time, I'm amazed by the amount of information you amassed. Great work on the Jesper Tyd�n interview as well! :)
Claudia <[email protected]>
Germany (Berlin) - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 14:59:09
Congratulation for your wonderful webside. You're the greatest musical fan of the world!But you aren't alone!
Orsi <[email protected]>
Hungary - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 12:01:52
Hi Stacy! Wow, I'm so impressed with the heaps of information you've collaborated on all of these musicals. I'm so jealous you've seen Phantom 17 times! That's amazing! =) It is my all-time favorite musical, and I've only seen it 3 times, but I'm hoping to see it many more times in the future. I can completely relate to your first experience seeing Phantom, I was so moved I could hardly speak for 2 hours after the peformance! Theatre is one of my greatest passions as well, and it has been wonderful reading about your experiences at each musical. I'm seeing RENT, The Producers, and Chicago come late December/early January, and it was great to read your synopsis/reviews of them. It'll be my first time seeing all three. =) I'm definitely VERY excited! Anyway, what a superb job you've done here-- I will definitely be back! It's been a joy being able to browse around. Keep up the excellent work!
Kelli <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday, December 6, 2003 at 02:25:27
Hi Stacy I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you in Copenhagen. Anders Teigen
Anders Teigen <[email protected]>
Copenhagen, dk - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 10:02:39
I'm not sure if I've ever visited this site before, but I must say that I like it a great deal, because you seem to take the theatre seriously, and you seem to be intrigued by more than one aspect of it. >I wish that I lived in New York. The city near which I live presents a series of plays under the title of "The Broadway Series," but I'd love to really go to Broadway someday!
Katherine <[email protected]>
It has a full synopsis of The Music Man, and I need the full synopsis for a project that I'm working on. I will credit you with assisting me on this project. - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 21:41:35
Hi Stacy, Have just finished reading Jesper recent interview and wanted to stop by and say i find it fantastic, very informative and very interesting to read. Keep up the good work!
Olli <[email protected]>
- Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 17:28:05