Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my page. I know it took me a long time to get a guestbook on here...I'm kind of anti-guestbook. I'm not really sure why. :-) Anyway, I decided to finally stick one on here because it is really important to me to he r the opinions of the people who visit my page! So please, let me know what you think!!

My URL:http://geocities.com/musical_mozart
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Mozart!, Phantom of the opera,Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Uwe Kr�ger, Scott Davies, Yngve Gasoy Romdal
What you like best about this site: Everything

Hi, This is an wonderful site! I�m there for the first time but I�ll come back soon *g* I enjoyed reading the reports on you Musical visits! What do you think about making a section for Mozart! the new production in Vienna. It�s similar to Elisabeth about the life of Wolfgang A. Mozart. Nice show, I can only recommand it to everyone, have seen it 50 times. Ah yes, has anyone there infos on Scott davies who is playing the phantom at Her majesty�s in Lodnon right now? I saw his performance last friday and it was unbelievable! Fantastic! Bye Lisa

Dina Nasser - 12/09/00 11:52:00
My URL:http://www.trsaga.com
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING!

Excellent job, I am truly amazed at how wonderful this site is. Keep up the great work. You know, 3 weeks ago I was Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors, it's a nice musical, how about adding it to your great collection? Anyway, LOVE the site!

rachel - 12/05/00 18:07:05
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: MISS SAIGON!!!
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson, Audra McDonald
Favourite link: www.jekyll-hyde.com
What you like best about this site: lots of info ... and performers

Where do you get the money to see all these musicals? Sure. I have seen a LOT ... but, with the exception of my fav's, only once or twice, you have seen some eight or more times.

Birdie - 11/10/00 21:48:16

Great site!! My random thought: Why does Gavroche, the boy in Les Mis, sing with a Cockney accent if they are in France? That's all ;)

MimiDavis - 11/03/00 17:55:37
My URL:http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1250595
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Rent
Favourite performer: John Partridge

Great site! I was just a bit sad that the only Rent CD you mentioned is the OBC one (if you don't know: there's a german cast life recording (its great!great!great! I even prefer it to the OBC recording), a Japanese single, a norway single (seasons of love) and a best of italian cast CD (seasons of love sounds great!!!) to sodomy is between god and me visit my homepage! Its a mixed-musical RPG

Joanne - 11/01/00 03:47:42
Favourite musical: I forgot to put Miss Saigon (songs) and Les Mis (songs, acting)! Oops.


Joanne - 11/01/00 03:42:52
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Too many! Some are: Jane Eyre (Original Cast recording; acting, singing, music), Hunchback of Notre Dame (I love everything about this film!), Children of Eden (songs), Jekyll & Hyde (music), Passion (everything)
Favourite performer: Marla Schaffel, Anthony Warlow, Rachel York, Anthony Crivello
What you like best about this site: reviews of shows

I love your site! Especially your commentaries. You notice everything in a show. :) I wish I could see all those shows someday. By the way, Stephen Schwartz is a great composer. His Children of Eden has lots of really catchy tunes. Happy Halloween. Joanne

Allie - 10/25/00 02:43:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/thehiddenpaw/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Sam Harris
Favourite link: My page of course. ;-) No, I love eBay and Napster!
What you like best about this site: It's so optimistic

Hey, I love all your pretty pictures and thoughts on shows and performers.

Esmeralda R. Reyna - 10/18/00 22:11:43
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford
Favourite link: Phantom of the Opera Home Page
What you like best about this site: It's Originality

Never stop seeing and feeling the musical theatre you love! If it's part of your soul, you can't go wrong. Believe me, I know.

Carolynn Parker - 09/19/00 23:15:16
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom,LesMis,Jekyll
Favourite performer: Ethan Freeman
What you like best about this site: there's a lot !!!

Dear Stacy, your site is really wonderful!!!I could stay for hours on it!! What I like best are the parts about Phantom, LesMis and Jekyll of course. But the rest is great, too. You must have a lot of work with it. -I only wish I could have seen Ethan as often as you did!! I could only see him one time in Bremen(-:and I'll see him again in his last show on 29-09-00*don't know if I'm sad or happy*)-: His voice is really incredible!!Even on a CD he's moving me to tear (Music of the Night).-But I shouldn't talk about Ethan, you know better what a wonderful performer he is. Ok,I also like your site cause it's so positive. Stay on like this,luv Cary

Marleen - 09/15/00 13:19:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/piadouwes2000
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Pia Douwes & Stanley Burleson
Favourite link: www.geocities.com/douwesburleson
What you like best about this site: The Elisabeth part!

Hi Stacy, Nice site! Hope you will all visit my site about actress Pia Douwes (Elisabeth)! Love, Marleen

Heidi - 08/23/00 17:09:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or2/broadwaymusicals
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Rent, Les Mis, so many
Favourite performer: Audra McDonald
Favourite link: imdb.com
What you like best about this site: everything

Your site is great. I found everything I could want here. Check out my site too. Thanks.

Sharon - 08/22/00 04:11:15
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Sarah Brightman
What you like best about this site: that it has everything on it!

Thank you so much for making this website! I found it extremely helpful!!! I just surfed onto this site today because I was unsuccesfully looking for the liberetto for CATS. I found this site and I'm pretty sure I'll be on here again soon! This is an awes me site! I love the pictures, background graphics, etc. It is so comprehensive!

TommyD - 08/04/00 18:25:02
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Shennendoah
Favourite performer: Alfred Drake(deceased)
What you like best about this site: SEE EMAIL

Stacy- Occasionally I surf through pages on various groups i.e Playbill or Broadway web ring and read your site.It's good to see young people so interested in theater.Actually,we need less groupies of Webber or Sondheim music and more young people showing talent as composers and lyricists. I have appeared in over 35 musical productions and not one is mentioned as your favorite.Could this be a sign of our age(over 55)difference or just the cultural evoluion of taste(sic).Do yourself a favor and get hold of some Gershwin/Rodgers&Hart/Porter/Adler&Ross/Loesser/etc.etc.etc.and so forth.You may ind a new world open up and see the words of the english language used in proper context. Since I am still an equity member,I,ll refrain from using my real name however you me feel free to answer this and i'll respond to any questions. sincerely, TommyD

Hui - 07/31/00 19:38:41
My URL:http://cats.39m.net
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: cats
Favourite performer: Rosemarie Ford

Hey! your site is good, keep going.

FreakyMartian - 06/24/00 03:46:50
My URL:http://marckudisch.cjb.net/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite performer: Too many to name
Favourite link: http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb92451
What you like best about this site: Clean, simple design

Stacy -- yours is one of the first SP sites I ever visited when I first fell in love with it in November last year. Thank you for keeping such an informative site on so many shows! Now...on to your comments about Les Miz (random thought)...doesn't Javert lso say, "Well of course he now denies it. You'd expect that of a con. But he couldn't run forever, no, not even Jean Valjean" before he finishes that verse? In that case, Valjean would NOT be jumping to conclusions. Just throwing an equally random though out there. G'night! =)

Tanya Belleville - 06/08/00 16:56:24
My URL:http://www.innovationdance.homestead.com
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis/Phantom/Beauty and the Beast
Favourite performer: Michael Ball
What you like best about this site: Anything with Mikey!

hi Stacy! I can't believe that I never knew you had this fantastic site! When do you have time to maintain it? Wow! Thanks again for coming to my Broadway Dance recital last week. It was fabulous to see you again. Don't be a stranger! hugs, Tanya

Amyliz - 06/01/00 20:06:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Thespia_2000
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Camelot or Jekyll and Hyde at the moment at least
Favourite performer: Merwin Foard and Anthony Warlow
Favourite link: www.okcu.edu
What you like best about this site: star pictures...sigh...you are so lucky!


sarahepod - 05/31/00 20:37:15
My URL:http://www.expage.com/pages/podeylks
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: RENT
Favourite performer: Tim Curry
What you like best about this site: pics

cool site um wow.

Claudette Letendre - 05/22/00 14:08:03
My URL:http://petitchoux.tripod.com

Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!

Petit's House
The World Harmony & Hug Movement

Shayna U - 05/07/00 20:43:50
My URL:http://gurlpages.com/rants/shugahks1
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Cabaret
Favourite performer: Michael Hall....what a cutie :)
Favourite link: http://www.cabaret-54.com
What you like best about this site: Your experiences are da bomb :)

Awesome site! You're so lucky to meet all those performers. I just came back from New York from a 3 day trip on April 24. I saw Cabaret which was incredible. I'm possibly going back in August. Maybe I'll meet Michael Hall then but time only tells. K ep up the good work on your site :)

Evelien - 05/07/00 13:05:48
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Elisabeth
Favourite performer: Pia Douwes
Favourite link: www.sissi.nl
What you like best about this site: everything

hi Stacy, I like your page very much. I search a penpal in Austria or in another land in Europe. I'd like to write or e-mail with this person. And I think that your the one!! Please e-mail me soon. Oh, I'm 15 years old. Bye Bye, greetings from Evelien ( [email protected])

Phorum Ghost again - 05/06/00 20:50:08

I usually don't sign a guestbook twice in a row, but my last entry needs correcting. I meant my alter-ego's musicals index still needs work, not your lovely site!

Phorum Ghost - 05/06/00 20:47:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/phorumghost/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom, Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, Houdini, Jekyll & Hyde...I can't pick only one
Favourite performer: Right now I'm very stuck on Ethan Freeman
What you like best about this site: Emphasizing the Positive

Wow, Stacy. I cannot agree with you more about being positive. I, too, hate going to a site about my fave things just to see someone bashing it. I try to do the same thing on my Erik Fan Page. By the way, one of my alter-egos has been *slowly* buildi g a musicals index of sorts. It definitely still needs work, but this site will be a perfect link for that index.

Constanze Mozart - 04/30/00 14:26:35
My URL:http://come.to/viennavampires
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Tanz der Vampire, Mozart, Elisabeth, J&H, Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Philip Ranson
Favourite link: your Site
What you like best about this site: oh my god, too much to count

Well, I just wanna say, that I really adore your page. Sorry, this is not very creativ, but it is the truth! Lots of Luv Big bite Constanze

Carmen - 04/27/00 02:12:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pq/Gwenny/frank.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Parade, Ragtime
Favourite performer: Brent Carver
Favourite link: www.miketheheadlesschicken.org (LOL!!)
What you like best about this site: The fact that I got a perfect score on the Parade quiz! ;-)

This is such a lovely page ... the layout, the content, everything is amazing! Also, you have wonderful taste. :-) Thank you for sharing it with us. ~ M. Carmen

Deborah - 04/23/00 20:14:12
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Elisabeth
What you like best about this site: adds to my list of Sisi links!

I think we got our Elisabeth librettos from the same place ... there are a several mistakes in it (attributing lines to the wrong characters and such). I've been working on expanding the translation with my own poor knowledge of German & a good German/Eng ish dictionary... if you'd like me to send you it, please let me know. I also have a couple english synopises and all that. Thanks for the site!

LucyEponine - 04/09/00 05:17:27
Favourite musical: The Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Ethan Freeman
Favourite link: Cosette's Cafe
What you like best about this site: "My experiences''

Great site- there's too much stuff to look at! Love the quizzes and reviews- keep up the hard work! And I thought I had seen a ton of musicals!=)

Tim Goff - 04/06/00 12:18:15
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Parade
Favourite performer: Rebecca Luker
Favourite link: Parade- the Old Red Hills of Home
What you like best about this site: New Info on Shows/Performers

What a fun website. I'm a recent convert to "Cyberdom", and have enjoyed reading all of your info on shows, performers and composers- as well as links to other sites. I am a professional musician- who musically directs a lot of regional and community musi al theatre. I am currently absorbed with PARADE, and cannot get enough historical data. I have tickets to the Dallas "leg" of the tour. Keep the music coming!

Kyle - 03/29/00 01:29:11
My URL:http://JessGrove.Homepage.com
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Notre Dame de Paris
Favourite performer: Jessica Grov�
Favourite link: www.TheaterMania.com
What you like best about this site: SO MUCH STUFF!

You rock Stacy! Doug and Jessica Forever!

JoAnne - 03/21/00 06:11:51
My URL:http://angelfire.lycos.com/md2/ZipFiles/Broadway.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis and Parade
Favourite performer: Sarah Brightman
Favourite link: playbill.com
What you like best about this site: The works

Nice site..... good work - a lot of fun to surf around and a lot of detail. Thanks for the hard work!

Stacy Simpkins - 03/14/00 17:29:17
My Email:Don't have
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Phantom
What you like best about this site: It's eye-catching!

Great site, it's nice to meet someone with the same name as mine.

Irene Emelyanova - 03/05/00 17:43:23
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford
What you like best about this site: Two things connected - much info and no bad things said about any performance or performer.

Stacy, you wrote to me some time ago, then you disappeared and even didn't send me the results of my Kay quiz that I scored perfectly, BTW, so I'm on your Hall of Fame now! :-) Well, it's ok, I see you still want to visit Russia - if you do, please visit ith me and I will be glad to invite you to stay. And feel free to e-mail me, like before.

Kevin Brewster - 02/13/00 17:34:34
Favourite musical: Les Miserable
Favourite performer: Michael Ball
What you like best about this site: Informative


Fernando - 02/12/00 17:40:20
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis�rables
Favourite performer: Phillip Quast
Favourite link: les-mis.com
What you like best about this site: a lot of information

I'm an actor, from Argentina, I have experience on musicals and I would like to get the libretto to "Falsettoland" thanks a lot PS: I really enjoyed your page.

Alouise - 11/27/99 05:43:50
My URL:http://alouise.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis & The Phantom
Favourite performer: not sure
Favourite link: all
What you like best about this site: all

I really like your site. I happen to love musicals and I saw the Phantom In Edmonton when you saw it. Anyways great job on your site.

Kathey - 11/09/99 23:33:30
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miz
Favourite performer: Michael Ball
Favourite link: Lots!!
What you like best about this site: All the MB stuff

Just visited the site for the first time. Great job. Very user friendly with lots of info. I loved the Michael Ball page! Keep up the good work! Cheers!

Melanie - 10/23/99 03:40:24
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Bertrande
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite performer: Douglas Sills
Favourite link: http://www.shoppingcartabuse.com
What you like best about this site: Yours? I like the variety and taste. :-) The one I linked--it's INSANE. Insanity is always a positive thing.

Hey, just hadn't signed this lately and I don't think I even officially told you I like your frame-layout, even though I hate frames. That's me for ya. Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me what you do with your site!

jolien - 10/15/99 08:40:07
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: miss saigon
Favourite performer: linda wagenmakers
What you like best about this site: quiz

Linda wagenmakers is the Dutch Kim

Lauren Rongo - 09/09/99 17:53:39
My URL:http://www.svsu.edu/~rongo
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Music Man
Favourite performer: Julie Andrews
Favourite link: OURS__ha ha
What you like best about this site: the info!!

HI!! NIce site. I am following the broadway webring. My youngest son loves being in musicals. Come visit us and sign our guestbook!

Felicia - 09/05/99 18:05:04
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Ragtime, I have more but it only asked for one :)
Favourite performer: Audra McDonald
Favourite link: Musicals Webring
What you like best about this site: It's very well laid out. It's also very informative

I think you've convinced me to get the soundtrack to Jane Eyre.

Brittany - 07/26/99 15:01:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/4548
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Tough decision, Rent, Phantom, Cabaret, Les Miz
Favourite performer: Michael Ball
Favourite link: Meowser's Musicals
What you like best about this site: The completeness (sp?) of the information

Awesome site. I love everything about it!

Jim - 07/07/99 05:13:37
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Ragtime
Favourite performer: Bernadette Peters
What you like best about this site: Recording Reviews

Stacey, great site! I really do respect your opinions about the different recordings of each show- they have influenced me to buy a couple recordings- thank you! You were right on about all your critiques. Keep up the awesome work! Can't wait to hear more of your opinions about other musicals.

Naomi - 06/16/99 01:18:27
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: phantom
Favourite performer: me of course

Stace, It has been way too long since I last chatted with you. Please drop me an e-mail with you e-mail address and phone number do I can update you and you can do Likewise! I love what you've done with your site!

Brett McInnis - 05/17/99 03:20:39
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow
What you like best about this site: My sister made it!

I think this is the second time I've signed but that's only because it rocks!:-)

Brett McInnis - 04/24/99 06:32:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Rink/1973/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow
What you like best about this site: It is about my sister

Cool site. I wish mine looked like this. :-(

Jessica - 04/23/99 00:59:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/tinpanalley
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Lea Salonga
Favourite link: http://no-moon.com
What you like best about this site: I love your layout and the detail in which you review the shows!

Great Job!!!!!!!

Paul - 12/16/98 08:11:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/amkaufmann/kauf.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Too many!
What you like best about this site: I dont know!

Hey! You have a great page here. I have visted every section. Truly great site.

Paul Van Riet - 12/11/98 20:38:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/6008
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Martin Guerre
Favourite performer: Elaine Paige
Favourite link: ???
What you like best about this site: The fact that you, who has never seen Martin Guerre, likes the show!

Just like you, we are musical lovers. On our website, we have information about all the musicals that we have seen. Please visit our pages and feel free to use the URL as a link. Paul

Loren - 11/29/98 05:22:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/6686/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: um...
Favourite link: um....
What you like best about this site: I liked it all!

Neato page! I had lots of fun on it and spent lots of quality time exploring it, it was fun!

jackie - 11/23/98 23:34:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: LesMiz,Phantom,J&H,MissSaigon,Sideshow
Favourite performer: anthonywarlowanthonywarlowanthonywarlow...
Favourite link: n-e-thing to do with Anthony sites
What you like best about this site: It proves musicals and performers *are* life=)

Just wanted to mention--you said Patti Lupone uses *emphasis* and *a lot of emotion* on the OLC of les Miz...just a question...did we hear the same recording of the OLC of Les Miz?!?I hated her Fantine--I thought I would fall asleep during her I Dreamed a Dream!She seemed to me that she was so bored with the role that she wanted to prove to everyone it was a boring role to play or something!But I wasn't really impressed by ANY of the acting on the OLC--even Michael did better on the CSR.But it is a very go d CD to listen to while going to sleep.Jackie

Heather - 11/22/98 20:08:28
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford

Very nice site; very informative. Too much to see in one visit, so I'll be back.

Vickie - 11/16/98 22:38:51
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon, Side Show, anything with Anthony Warlow in it!
Favourite performer: ANTHONY WARLOW(Michael Crawford's cool, too)
Favourite link: I Love Anthony Society
What you like best about this site: The Anthony stuff and your own fan club was hilarious!

Stacey! It's Vickie from the I Love Anthony Society! What a cool page! I knew it'd include some Anthony Warlow stuff, so I just fell in love with it! Your own fan club:what a great idea! I bet finding 50 reasons why you're perfect was fun. Guess I s id everything I wanted to say. Is it just me or is Anthony alittle TOO perfect? Doesn't it make anybody wonder? How someone can be the hottest man alive AND have the best voice on this planet? Just wondering...LOL(to you and Anthony)Vickie:)

Jackie(fellow Anthony luver!!) - 11/15/98 21:13:53
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: LesMiz,Phantom,Jekyll&Hyde,MissSaigon,Sideshow
Favourite performer: Ooh!I love telling people this!ANTHONY WARLOW,ALL THE WAY!I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite link: Anthony sites,what else?;)
What you like best about this site: The fact that it saves me time looking up seperate Anthony and musical sites--they're combined here!:)

Uh,I'm ahuge fan of cheese?Oh,about the *page*,I get it!;)Just kidding.I may be blond and I may be a ditz,but that doesn't make me a blond ditz.NEways,I am obsessed with two things,estimately--Anthony,Anthony,and musicals.You got both!you go girl!I hope M lanie will help keep these messages long,a lot of them are so short!Where's the fun in that?:) And I'm still a Phantom fan,even though I flunked with flying colours;)loljackie

Clair Murrowood - 10/26/98 22:30:06
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow
Favourite link: The Anthony Warlow link
What you like best about this site: The picture of Anthony

Very comprehensive site Stacy! Well done!

Jamika Lynch - 10/11/98 16:48:33
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Rent
What you like best about this site: information


Kyle Patrick Cox - 10/05/98 05:17:07
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: EVITA
Favourite performer: Patti LuPone
Favourite link: http://www.inch.com/~maleman/patti.htm
What you like best about this site: EVERYTHING!

This sight was pure and sweet bliss for all musical lovers. I commend you for making such a fantastic site.! Bravo!

Julie - 10/04/98 18:17:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/6881/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis�rables
Favourite performer: Audra McDonald
Favourite link: my page :) or my boyfriend's
What you like best about this site: all the great info and links

Hi there... Nice page! I really enjoyed my visit... Please drop by my page if you have the chance. I have recently renovated my site, and I have a section devoted to musical theatre with a quiz, survey, featured musical, and more fun stuff... Have a reat day! :)

James Cockburn - 10/04/98 10:30:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/Broadway/1557/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Chicago
Favourite performer: Ruthie Henshall
What you like best about this site: everything

Hello. Thanks for such a good homepage. I am interested in all the musicals and I would really appreciate it if you could all look at my Ruthie Henshall homepage. Thank you. James :0)

j v scott - 09/28/98 20:25:09
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera

I'm trying to find some clips from the scarlett pimpernel.

Laurie, Queen of Tmal - 09/08/98 01:52:15
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis, Rent, Tommy, Phantom
Favourite performer: Tim Howar & Anthony Warlow
What you like best about this site: It is full of the Stacy-ness that I love. Plus very informative and creative.

Good Job, Stacy. It is obvious you spent a lot of time, energy and creative juices on this one. Love is in the air. Hugs and Kisses, Laurie

Lowe Coffee - 08/17/98 18:54:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/6384/titanic.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Titanic, Les Miserables, Floyd Collins, Assassins
Favourite performer: David Costabile, Stephen Bogardus, Steven Sutcliffe, Brian d'Arcy James, Michael Cerveris
Favourite link: Playbill Online
What you like best about this site: The Titanic section

Your Titanic site--and your preservation of the old "smirky" Martin Moran headshot.

Mandy - 07/30/98 21:31:42
My URL:http://www.pine-scented.com/cafemusain/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis/Martin Guerre/Cabaret/Rent!
Favourite performer: Scott Hunt! w00-h00! he rocks! and is exactly my height! :}
Favourite link: www.oblivion.net
What you like best about this site: awww...I love you just the way you are!

I've tried to take you up on your offer to come chat again, but, see, I don't exactly remember what day or what network it is...so I'm randomly checking into #alw on whatever server... ah, well...you have to inform me! THREE DAYS TO NYC! wahoo! Sadly, no cott - he's already off to Costa Mesa - but prolly Brian and Martin *le sigh* and the entire male ensemble of Les Mis *HUGE sigh* and Doug *ooh, ye- ooh, yes!* Erm. Anyway. Why is my computer randomly freezing?

Les Saigon - 07/23/98 03:21:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Miss Saigon
Favourite performer: Lea Salonga
What you like best about this site: synopsis of musicals

I really like this web page, but I think you should have more synopsis' of more musicals. I really love musical comadies. Other than Miss Saigon, I also love the Phantom of the opera, Evita, Cats, Les mis, and grease.

jennifer - 07/18/98 19:13:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Jekyll&Hyde/Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite performer: Robert Cuccioli


Gavroche Thenardier - 07/11/98 00:34:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/5409/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson or Micheal Ball
Favourite link: http://www.lesmis.com/forum/index.html
What you like best about this site: Easy to Navigate AND it has Broadway on it.

Love your site!! that's all I can say.

Jeannie Johnson - 07/08/98 22:33:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/leuevents/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite performer: Douglas Sills

This is a very interesting website and I will definitely be returning again and again.

Amy Jay - 07/08/98 16:44:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/1183
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Into the Woods
Favourite performer: Bernadette Peters/Anthony Warlow
Favourite link: http://www.playbill.com
What you like best about this site: Anthony Warlow stuff!

I love your page - it's got lots of neat things to do! I'll definitely bookmark it!

Casey - 07/07/98 23:33:34
My Email:sisgpn@aol ([email protected])
Favourite musical: Tie: Rent or Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite performer: A. Rapp/A. Pascal/G. Chaisson
What you like best about this site: PIMPERNEL!!

I love that you're into the Scarlet Pimpernel, but I have to ask one queston. Why doesn't anyone love Gilles Chaisson? He would be one of the first people I would wait for. Although I am totally in love with Terrence Mann and Douglas Sills!!! (but who could help it)

Kelly - 07/03/98 04:50:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/9027
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Scarlet Pimpernel =)
Favourite performer: Wicked tie between Douglas Sills and Terrence Mann
Favourite link: The OFFICIAL Scarlet Pimpernel Web Site!
What you like best about this site: The SP Greeting Cards!!

I don't remember if I ever signed this, so if I signed twice, what the hey, sue me! I ADORE the cards...hail to you, SP Ringmistress...

Mikey McKinnon - 06/27/98 16:43:29
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of The Opear
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson (Erik obviously) and Barry Stilwell (the Auctioneer)
Favourite link: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/4138/phantom.html
What you like best about this site: This is one of the best POTO sites I've seen!

I commend you on your page and your obsession with POTO, I've only seen it once (smack me please), but I bought the Highlights CD (Canadian) and have been listening to it constantly (right now actually... Mirror (Angel of Music) is playing ^_^). I can't ind the Original, Full London Ver. though... :( Anyway, I would just like to commend you on your POTO site! :)

Sheila Savage - 06/21/98 09:33:14
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Misarables
Favourite performer: Micheal Ball
Favourite link: Jekyll&Hyde
What you like best about this site: Information Lots!!

Still have to read all of this sight!!

Diane - 06/20/98 00:17:08
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Scarlet Pimpernel, Sweeney Todd, Titanic,Secret Garden, A Little Night Music.
Favourite performer: Douglas Sills, Len Cariou, Terrence Mann, Anthony Warlow.
What you like best about this site: the Anthony stuff and SP greeting cards=)

Fabulous sight! I love all the stuff on Anthony Warlow and the varied musical pages. Brava!!!

Terisina - 06/03/98 21:07:48
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom * Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson * Michael Ball
Favourite link: anything musically related
What you like best about this site: Great layout and colours. Keep up the great work! ;-)

It was great to meet you earlier this year, and hope you'll not hold the chip bowl thing against little old clumsy me ;D Musical theatre is the heart of what music really is. And we're all very lucky to have Gods like Michael and my beloved Colm to show us what heaven sounds & looks like :)

J�rn Guido - 05/30/98 18:56:26
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: LesMiz and many others (M.Guerre, Miss Saigon, Phantom...)
Favourite performer: So many: Hardy Rudolz, Martin Berger, Sanni Luis, Anthony Warlow, Uwe Kr�ger, Ethan Freeman & Jerome Pradon to call just a few
Favourite link: http://come.to/lesmis
What you like best about this site: I didn�t checked out everything, yet

This is a great site. I really like the performer sites. I�m from Germany (if you ask who my favourite performers are: most of them are actors in the German or Austrian Musical Productions.) Keep up the good work. Bye... ...J�rn :) :) :)

Amanda Pressnell - 05/18/98 07:30:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~obsessive/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom!
Favourite performer: Anthony Warlow :-)
Favourite link: Playbill On-Line
What you like best about this site: All the Warlow stuff!

Great page, Stacy! I started off taking all the quizzes, and then I saw all of your Pimpernel stuff, so I started reading that. :-) Thanks for such a complete plot summary. I'll definitely have to make it up to NY to see the show! Then I found your pges on your other favorite musicals (which happen to be my favorites, too!) and then all that info on the incredible Mr. Warlow!! Wow. A solid hour happily spent! :-) I especially love the Warlow "signs of obsession." Many of them sounded very familiar to me!

krista - 05/07/98 16:28:31
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: haven't seen any yet
Favourite performer: warlow
What you like best about this site: that it's made by you

I like this site a lot better. tell carmen and nickole about this site i think that they will like it. Love your pal Krista

Marina Sanchez - 05/04/98 10:02:24
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Enjolras

I have read in other page that you like Gary Mauer as Enjolras. Do you know anything about him. I saw him too and I think he is perfect.

Ponine Enjolras - 04/30/98 02:33:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/6932
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miz, what else? (OK-so I love Phantom, Evita, etc.)
Favourite performer: How could I say anyone but Anthony Warlow?
Favourite link: Hard to say
What you like best about this site: Les Miz and Anth (that's why my site is about that!)

This page is so great-of course I will adore anything to do with musicals, theatre, Les Miz, Anth...and so on! I absolutely love this!

Naomi M - 04/27/98 21:04:29
My URL:http://ww.geocities.com/capecanaveral/hangar/9016
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom
Favourite performer: Jeff Hyslop (just kiddin' Stacy)
Favourite link: mine!
What you like best about this site: It was done by my friend!

Wow, you have put a lot of work into this one chicky! Go and sign my guest book too! Take care!

Kris - 04/22/98 22:17:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/4131/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Brigadoon
Favourite performer: Gene Kelly
Favourite link: Too many to mention!
What you like best about this site: It's about musicals!

Hello Stacy! I absolutely adore your site! I'm a community leader on Broadway and just thought I'd drop in to say hi... you're doing a really great job! We seem to have a lot in common..... Surf by my homepage sometime and drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you!

Michael Trakas - 04/20/98 19:52:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/8900
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Sunset Boulevard & Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Glenn Close & Michael Crawford

Great site. I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. (And, add some sunset stuff if you can.)

Tatiana - 04/14/98 03:49:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/7747/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables
Favourite performer: Michael Ball ... but you know that!
Favourite link: Anthony Warlow stuff
What you like best about this site: You did it :) lol

Hi Stacy...fabulous page. :)

Austin Kidwell - 04/13/98 20:45:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4072/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Rent

This is a wonderful website. Thanks for the great time.

Gillian - 02/15/98 02:39:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1105/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: jekyll and hyde, side show, rent
Favourite performer: chad richardson, jai rodriguez, anthony warlow
Favourite link: http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5985
What you like best about this site: it's very nice and well done

I love your page Stacy! it's looking great. i like your idea about the village. it's looks nice. talk to you later, ~Gillian

Erin Deal - 02/01/98 06:06:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/6306/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera (by far!)
Favourite performer: i love 'em all
Favourite link: www.reallyuseful.com
What you like best about this site: the quizzes

you have a really nice page and i LOVE the quizzes. i am also happy to say that i am almost at the top of the list! keep up the good work and make more quizzes!

Kristen - 01/27/98 18:04:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1766/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Freddie Mercury
Favourite link: http://www.htmlgoodies.com
What you like best about this site: Very navigable.

I like your web site. The image map is nice, but the words are a hard to read. They are too small. The background is a little bright, but with the black text, I was able to read my way through the pages. Overall, I like your web site. I haven't finished l oking at everything, so I'll be back! Have a great day!!! SMILE :)

Alice - 01/18/98 03:28:00
My URL:http://www.healey.com.au/HomePages/scribbler
Favourite musical: Phantom
Favourite performer: Michael McCarthy/Alice Cooper
What you like best about this site: loved the quizzes

great page, I think I've been here before :)

Karen - 01/09/98 16:03:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5985/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Side Show
Favourite performer: Kevin Pallister and many others! :-)
Favourite link: http://www.lifecafe.com/
What you like best about this site: The musical village idea!

Hey Stace! I know I've signed before, but I wanted to say your musical village looks great! I love that idea! I can't wait till you have even more show pages done! Keep up the awesome work! ~Karen

JamieSoltis - 01/04/98 00:37:08
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: West Side Story
Favourite performer: Rosie O'Donnel (in the one Grease performance)
Favourite link: ?�?�?�
What you like best about this site: all

I'm glad someone likes musicals and Broadway like me! It gives me a lot of info here! Thanx a bunch.

Stacy! - 12/04/97 23:28:32
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!!!
Favourite performer: I haven't decided
What you like best about this site: your Phantom page

Wow! Someone spells thier name like me! I love Phantom and my friends can't handle it. I need to talk to some Phans who understand my love for it. I've read every book I could get my hands on and I've run out of them. I understand how it affects people. I've been reading some Phan fiction wh ch so far has satisfied my craving for now. If you think of anything more that I could get my hands on please let me know. If not let talk Phantom.

Stephen Lowry - 11/24/97 20:55:39
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Starlight Express
Favourite performer: Stephanie Lawrence and Ruthie Henshall
What you like best about this site: It All!!!


Jason - 11/04/97 08:04:57
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Blood Brothers at St. Kevin's High School, Newfoundland
Favourite performer: T.J. MacDonald (Mickey) in the same production
What you like best about this site: you, you punk!!!

So, I actually sat down and looked all over your website and I'm truly impressed. And you know how critical I am! Honestly, I really like the Phantom and Les Mis pages a lot, and your enthusiasm really shows, which I totally respect you for. Shame, howeve , on not having anything Sondheim! ;p The best thing compliment I can give you is that it actually makes me want to start up my own site, and spotlight those gems that I like (ASSASSINS FOREVER!). Can't wait to see that wonderful page on Song and Dance! W ll, be sure that I'm going to do random hits on this page, so be prepared. Here's to the 'Little People' and to the 'Megamusical'!

mayrose Wegmann - 10/30/97 18:52:06
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:jhdjudtujty
Favourite musical: annie
Favourite performer: Peter Berg
Favourite link: yours
What you like best about this site: it's cool

This is wonderful. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!

f.r.p. de block - 10/23/97 20:47:12
Favourite musical: matador/bloodbrothers
Favourite performer: bebe nuewirth

i have seen many musicals,every musical has its own identity,music story and performing of the actors are mostly so real that there feelings are controlled by the story of the musical, in the musical 'passion' the role of maria friedman is so real and beautiful that makes 'love changes everything'.the combination of the stage acting music and story is the most heavenly live 'film' that controlled your live.it makes you happy but also when you love music learning to listen to the story what the musical is about.i hope you understand my english explanation about musicals.it is a part off what i can tell you about musicals. i am very happy with it.thanks.

Amanda Lane - 10/11/97 20:34:33
My URL:http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~kl08739/homepage.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Chicago

Nice page.

Rosann - 10/10/97 04:43:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3614
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Music Man
Favourite performer: Mandy Patinkin
Favourite link: Theater Mirror/Boston
What you like best about this site: Love those musicals

It seems that everyone who belonged to the Broadway Web Ring is missing a graphic since the recent problems. Can't we all get together and petition to get the graphic back/restore the original site. It's really painful to see all that work go down the t bes.

Alice - 09/08/97 21:05:19
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom, BATB, Aspects
Favourite performer: Oooooh! Anthony and Michael and Ethan and ...
What you like best about this site: My picture's in it!

Stacy, I think you have definitely put a whole lot of work and love for your webpage. You are the most knowledgeable person I know about useless information, well, useless information to those to disdain all musicals, to us, you're a priceless gem of inf rmation. I'm also glad that I have my own "page" in here too. Heehhee.

Paul and Steve - 09/07/97 20:29:52
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Colm Wilkinson
What you like best about this site: commentaries

That's really cool you love the Phantom of the Opera. We have seen it three times. Most recently in Toronto last summer. We thought you seem pretty cool and wanted to know more about you so if you want drop us an email

Lauren Faricy - 09/07/97 15:42:19
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Cats,POTO, any ALW
Favourite performer: Elaine Paige
Favourite link: http://www.reallyuseful.com
What you like best about this site: Everything!

Hi, Stacey! This page rocks. I am soooo OBSESSED with musicals, and i want to be a broadway actress someday. My favorite musicals are all ALW-- he is a GENIUS! Oh, well talk later!

jessica&jamie - 09/01/97 14:27:25
My Email:jakobseyez
Favourite musical: the Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Brad Little

We thought the Phantom was very entertaining and we loved it.The special effects were breath taking.

Barbara - 08/31/97 00:55:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/2000/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: The Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: John Ruess
What you like best about this site: The Phantom stuff

Hi Stacy. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the one from Calgary who's seen Doug laBrecque. I was very excited to see your page on Phantom in Vancouver. Didn't you just love the show there? The entire cast is so great, and Peter Karrie is so wo derful! And the Ford Centre is wonderful, I just think that it's a bit too modern for Phantom. Did you go to the mall a block down from the theatre by any chance? They had *tons* of Phantom displays there. Well, I'm getting too excited because I'll be seeing the final performance there tomorrow. (Maybe I could manage to get something of displays in stores, etc., that are taken down :-) But I want to talk to Peter again more than anything! Happy Phantom Day! ~ Barbara P.S. - The last picture on your Phantom in Vancouver page didn't load on my computer yet, but I've heard that John (Peter's limo driver) is supposed to be a really nice guy (as a limo driver, of course!)

thisguy300 - 08/30/97 05:05:56
My Email:thisguy300
Favourite musical: miss saigon and phantom
Favourite performer: davis gaines and lea salonga
What you like best about this site: havent seen it

iam really exited to look at it

Ryan Mooney - 08/29/97 02:18:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~squamish
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Favourite performer: Rosie O'Donnell
Favourite link: http://members.tripod.com/~squamish
What you like best about this site: The Quizzes

THis page is cool... my musical page is not great yet, but hopefully it will be better soon, there is a link off of it from my page!

Benn Sutcliffe - 08/28/97 09:43:37
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: "West Side Story" or "CATS."
What you like best about this site: everything

your site is GREAT! Do you know of anywhere I could access information about the orchestra setup for "CATS"? I'm really keen to find this out.

Amy - 08/26/97 03:22:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SvetlanaSg/marciamitzmangaven.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Ragtime
Favourite performer: Marcia Mitzman Gaven
Favourite link: Uhhhh... Don't make me choose!!
What you like best about this site: Nice variety of info...

Great site!! I dig...

Firebird - 08/26/97 01:16:26
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Le Miz or Jesus Christ Superstar
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford
Favourite link: Here of course
What you like best about this site: everything

Hello everyone.I love all musicals, especially Andrew Lloyd Weber's work.

Pam - 08/23/97 23:48:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Pamie/pam2.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford
Favourite link: http://www.lemis.com
What you like best about this site: the music

This is a great musical page... visit mine where I review Broadway shows I've seen and you can post your own reviews... again, keep up the good work!

Lindsey Wiegers - 08/23/97 01:23:07
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Miserables!! (#2 J&H, #3 Miss Saigon, #4 Jane Eyre!!, #5 Joseph)
Favourite performer: ANTHONY WARLOW!!!!! (Who else is there to consider???)
What you like best about this site: ILAS!!

Hi Stacy! I just wanted to say that I LOVE your page!! I mean, it's wonderful!! We have the same taste in everything!! Espeically ANTHONY WARLOW!!! I LOVE that guy!!! He's got the voice of a GOD!!! ILAS is the perfect tribute to the most perfect man on earth !! Your 'signs of obsession' are sooo funny!! And I must say that I also love your taste in that wonderful musical Jane Eyre!! I will publicly thank you for sending it to me!!! THANK YOU STACY!!! You're the greatest!!! (guess what I'm listening to r ght now!). Marla Schaffel has the most beautiful (female) voice on earth!!!. Anthony Crivello is so unbelieveably great also!!! (What is it with me and guys named 'Anthony'?!). Oh, I'd also like to thank you (Geez, I'm feeling very gracious today, ar n't I?!) for converting me to Andrew Lloyd Webber! I can't wait to see Phantom!! Keep up the great job with your web page!!!

Doug Richards - 08/22/97 03:35:19
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Sound of Music
What you like best about this site: Personal Reviews

I have thoroughly enjoyed your web pages! Thanks for sharing this information. I like having the personal touch of you relating your experiences as a lover of Musicals. I started to look at your pages as a result of a search a while back when I knew "Joseph..coat" was coming to town. We have a family of five, three kids ranging from 5 to 10. I wanted to give them the opportunity to see a real Broadway type musical prod ction. But with five tickets to buy and a limited budget I wanted to choose carefully. I thought Joseph would be good. Anyway, I checked your pages to find out if Joseph was ok for the kids. We went and they had a wonderful memory that will last with them forever. We were sure to have them dress up in their Sunday best too, to enjoy the entire experience. Am thinking now of going to CATs (shh! Chrsitmas present), which will be here in January. Would you think that the kids would like that one? My 10 year old daughter and my wife are cat lovers. I trust most of ALW's productions are also acceptable in co tent for kids as well. Let me know if you agree and have time for a reply. Thanks again and good job on the excellent pages. Doug Richards Huntsville, AL P.S. Never have seen sound of music on stage, only the classic Julie Andres movie. Missed it in town last year...maybe some day.

Mom - 08/22/97 03:30:01
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera, then Joseph
Favourite performer: Donny Osmond
What you like best about this site: My little girl made it up

Nothing, as it will embarrass Stacy

Mandy - 08/17/97 02:20:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~feuilly
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Les Mis! Martin Guerre's a close second, tho...
Favourite performer: Matt *drool* Cammelle. Anthony's not a performer -- he's a way of life!
Favourite link: http://members.tripod.com/~pontmercy/
What you like best about this site: the aura of niftiness surrounding it

Keen gear, Stacy! keep up the fantastic work! um, stuff, more stuff...and now, a quote: "Guillaume is dead! I'm Martin Guerre!"

Melanie - 08/15/97 22:24:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/4056/
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera (Hee hee! NOT!!)
Favourite performer: Robert Cuccioli
Favourite link: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/3128/
What you like best about this site: The entertaining observations you make about everything! AND including that bit about Antonio in the fountain!! :-)............. And of course the pictures of Anthony!! :-)......................

Stacy!! I love your page!!! I could just dig up that old email I sent you when I first found your page, but that would be boring. :-) Anyways, I LOVE your Evita section! Tanks for including the thing about Antonio :-)...............!! Oh, and you're rig t about the soldiers!!! AHHH!! AND THE TANKS!!! YOU DIDN'T MENTION THE TANKS!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Alison - 08/14/97 22:31:14
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Um... Les Mis or Titanic or Sunset or or or ... don't make me choose!!!
Favourite performer: How much space do you have? :-)
What you like best about this site: the quizzes!

Hey Stacy! I think I've already told you you have a great page, but now I can put it here for the world to see. :-) So, are you obsessed with Titanic yet? As I told Melanie, resistance is futile. You *will* be assimilated. :-p

Phantom - 08/14/97 15:20:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/1568/phantom.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Phantom of the Opera
Favourite performer: Michael Crawford (ahhh....)
What you like best about this site: Everything

Great page! I loved it!

Gillian - 08/11/97 23:21:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1105/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Starlight Express
Favourite performer: Ma-Anne Dionisio and Brian d'Arcy James
Favourite link: your page and yahoo
What you like best about this site: your performers pages

I love your page Stacy! I'm glad you got a guestbook too! I love coming to your page, to see wat you've updated! Keep up the great work! :-) YF Gill :)

Karen - 08/11/97 21:51:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/3128/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite musical: Miss Saigon
Favourite performer: ANTHONY WARLOW!! :-)
Favourite link: An Anthony Warlow page!
What you like best about this site: Everything!

Hi Stace! Your page is so keen! I was waiting for you to get a guestbook so I could comment on how great it was! :) Seriously, though, it's organized, and it looks great and it's got wonderful info in it! I just love visiting it! TTYS, Karen :)

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