Music by: Marvin Hamlisch
Lyrics by: Edward Kleban
Book by: James Kirkwood and Nicholas Dante
Original production directed by: Michael Bennett

A Chorus Line tells the story of a group of performers auditioning for a Broadway show. All the performers come from different backgrounds and have varying abilities. In between learning audition moves, they each reveal their most personal stories in interviews with the director, Zach. In the end, only eight people are chosen for the show and get to put on splendid costumes and live out their dream. Read through the complete synopsis.

For an even more in-depth look at what happens, take a look through the show's lyrics.

For a long time, A Chorus Line was Broadway's longest-running show. Not a typical plot-based show, its messages of hope, insecurity, and dreaming touched people from all walks of life. It was made into a film version in 1985, which did not achieve the same success as the stage show, but offers another interesting look at the concept. Read a bit about the development of the musical, or about the movie.

There is now a recording of the Broadway revival, but so far I'm still just listening to the original Broadway cast. Read my review of the CD, or listen to a clip from one of my favourite songs.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to see this show on stage yet. I'm not sure whether I will get to the Broadway revival or not, but if I do, I'll be sure to post my thoughts here.

None of the people in this show are really huge 'stars', but maybe that's why people could identify with them so well. Read a bit more about some of my favourite performers.

Once you're done looking around here, check out some of the other Chorus Line sites that are out there.

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