Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Book and lyrics by: Ben Elton
Original Production Directed by: Robert Carsen

Contrary to what I had been told prior to seeing it, this show is not entirely about football. :-) I've written a complete synopsis based on my thoughts on the show - it's pretty similar to my review of the show below. :-)

You may also get a better idea of what the show's about by browsing through the lyrics.

This is one of the very few Andrew Lloyd Webber shows - and shows in general - that is an original story, not based on a previous source. The Beautiful Game opened in London on September 26, 2000 at the Cambridge Theatre. Find out more about the development of the musical.

There are two recordings of this show available so far. Read my reviews of the CDs.

To hear some sound clips from the recordings, visit my sounds page.

I really wanted to get to see this show before it closed in London, and I did - on the very final night! It was a special experience to be there for the closing, and it really made me want to see it again - so hopefully it will open again somewhere soon!
Read more about my thoughts on the show.

I hadn't really heard of anyone in this show before I bought the CD, but that turned out not to be a problem at all! Read a bit more about some of my favourites from the CD and the show I saw.

Once you're done looking around here, check out some of the other great Beautiful Game sites that are out there.

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