It is 1861, and the Civil War is poised to change life in Georgia forever. Spoiled belle Scarlett O'Hara pursues her pampered and coquettish interests. Infatuated with the refined Ashley Wilkes despite his engagement to the sweet Melanie, Scarlett is determined to have her way no matter who suffers, a quality that attracts dashing blockade runner Rhett Butler. Read the synopsis to find out more.
For a more detailed look at the show, browse through the complete libretto, or check out this English translation of the songs.
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Gone with the Wind was first published in 1936, and went on to win a Pulitzer Prize and become one of the best-selling novels of all time. It took 10 years for Margaret Mitchell to write, and was the only novel she ever published. In 1939 it was adapted into an Academy Award-winning film that remains one of the greatest films of all time. Find out more about the novel, the film, or the development of the musical.