Music by: Elton John
Based on the opera by Verdi
Lyrics by: Tim Rice
Directed by: Robert Falls
Book by: Linda Woolverton, Robert Falls & David Henry Hwang

The tale of Aida focuses on an enslaved African princess, Aida, and her doomed love for the captain of the Egyptian guard, Radames, who is engaged to Aida's royal mistress, Amneris. Read through the complete synopsis.

To learn a bit more, browse through the Broadway lyrics, or take a look at the Dutch or German lyrics.

Aida has long been associated with Verdi's opera, which many consider to be one of his finest. Many opera purists were a bit distressed about turning the story into a rock musical, but it's had success in that form as well! Read a bit about the Verdi version, or read more about the development of the musical.

When I first heard the concept album, I wasn't that excited about this show, but the cast recordings are a big improvement! You can read my reviews of the CDs, or listen to clips from all of the recordings.

I kept meaning to go see this show on Broadway, but some way or another I always ended up going to something else instead. But, I did finally make it after all - to the tour! Read more of my thoughts about that experience.

The role of Aida is a great showcase for a performer, and there have been some great ones in the other roles as well. Read a bit more about some of my favourites.

Once you're done looking around here, check out some of the other Aida sites that are out there.

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